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//song suggestion: SANDEUL(산들) _ Stay as you are(그렇게 있어줘)

Yoshi entered his apartment with no energy at all. He turned on the lights like he used to, threw his coat and bag on the sofa. Went to the kitchen wanting to drink water. He is so tired, physically and emotionally.

As he was about to open the refrigerator, he blinked and blinked, rubbed his eyes repeatedly, slapped his face many times, still not satisfied, he banged his head in the refrigerator wanting to wake himself up.

"Hey, you're hurting yourself already"

That voice, he is hearing his voice too. God, did he miss Junkyu too much he is seeing his reflection and is hearing his voice like he is in his apartment now.

He slapped his face again, and his cheeks are now turning red.


He saw the reflection of Junkyu walking towards him with a worried face.

"S-stoooop" Yoshi stuttered as his legs is starting to shake, and he felt like any moment he would faint. This is really real? He cannot believe it, his thoughts in a mess not knowing how to react or what to feel as of this moment.

Junkyu stopped, the shakiness in Yoshi's voice worrying him. This is not the reaction he was expecting. Was he wrong? Should he have just informed Yoshi that he is coming instead of coming unexpectedly like this?

Yoshi turned around to look at his lover who is now in front of him wearing a worried face.

Is this real? Like real?

He blinked again,

"Yoshi, love?" Junkyu meters away, tried to call Yoshi's attention who was just standing there with both eyes and mouth wide open.

"HAAAAH" Yoshi shouted, running hysterically towards his room.

Junkyu was left there standing not knowing what to do. But he cannot help but giggle, seeing Yoshi run in tiny while trying to shake his head along the way, maybe still trying to decipher what is really happening.

He cannot understand Yoshi and what he is planning to do, but god, no words can explain how he loves this unpredictable human being.

Minutes had passed, and Junkyu sat on the sofa, getting worried when Yoshi still did not appear. He went near his boyfriend's door and was about to knock when it opened revealing a now freshened up Yoshi.

He is wearing new clothes, his hair is neatly combed, and his scent, oh god, this is the scent which he cannot enjoy because of the long distance between them. Yoshi's scent fills his nose, a very sweet and relaxing one he would gladly enjoy for the rest of his life.

Yoshi on the other hand, who saw Junkyu as he went out of his room was surprised, his eyes widened, Junkyu is handsome in his pictures, but words cannot explain how good-looking he is in real life, and how much more up close like this. He just stood there admiring his lover's face up close, the round eyes, the cute nose, and the plump red lips. Yoshi gulped, he felt his cheeks burning as he imagined having his first kiss with those lips.

Slapping himself mentally as he realized how both of them were just there standing in front of each other, without words.

Yoshi ran again, as quick as he can, and Junkyu blinked as the older was no longer in front of him, he did not even notice. As he only heard the door to Yoshi's apartment being closed in a loud manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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