Chapter 4

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{JJ's POV}
When we land I go to Kelly Martin's house to talk to her parents. When I get there I knock on the door and Mrs. Martin answers by saying "Who are you?" "Hi. My name is Jennifer Jareau. I'm with the FBI. We are investigating your daughters death. I'm here to ask you a few questions if that's ok." I answer then show her my credintials. She nods and opens the door wider allowing me to come in. We sit down and I ask a few questions including "Was Kelly dating anyone?" "Yea his name was Jacob O'Brian." She answers. When she said O'Brian I immediately think about the second victim Paige O'Brian. "Did Jacob have a sister named Paige?" I ask. "Yea. Why?" She answers. "She was found dead the night before last. We connected her death to your daughters death." I answer. "Oh my gosh. Paige is dead?" She asks obviously surprised. "Yes ma'am. You didn't know?" I ask. "No." She answers. "Ok thank you for your time. Goodbye Mrs. and Mr. Martin." I say and as I turn to leave Mr. Martin stops me and says "Excuse me. Agent Jareau. Kelly had a necklace with a picture of her and her sister. Can we get that back?" "I will look into it." I say. "Ok thank you." He states. "You're welcome." I say and leave. I call Em. She answers. "Hey Jage. What's wrong?" She asks. "Kelly Martin was dating Jacob O'Brian. He was Paige O'Brian's brother." I answer. "Ok thank you." She states and I hung up. I walk to Kelly Martin's dump site to find Morgan.

{Morgan's POV}
When we landed JJ and I got into one of the black SUVs and we went to Kelly Martin's house. JJ walked inside and I walked around back to go to the dump site. When I get there I see she is in the fetal position so I know this was a sign of remorse. I find a lock of hair and put it into an evidence bag to be tested. I also find a fingernail. I look at Kelly's hand and notice she is missing a fingernail but I still put it into an evidence bag to see if it had any of the unsubs DNA on it. When I finish closing the bag JJ comes out and asks if I found anything. I tell her I found a lock of hair and Kelly's fingernail. I also tell her that the unsub put her in the fetal position so he is obviously showing remorse. Then I ask her if she found anything and she tells me about Jacob and she asks if I found a necklace and I tell her no. We leave to go back to the station.

{Prentiss' POV}
When we land I go to Kelly Martin's house and knock on the door. When Kelly's dad answers the door I show him my badge and say "Hi. I'm SSA Emily Prentiss. I'm with the bahavioural analysis unit for the FBI. We're investigating a series of homicides and we think your daughter was a victim of the homicides. Can I come in and ask you a few questions?" "Sure." He answers. "Thank you." I say as Mr. O'Brian opens the door allowing me to come inside. I sit down and as I'm asking Mr. and Mrs. O'Brian some questions JJ calls me and tells me Kelly was dating Paige's brother Jacob. When she hangs up I ask them about Kelly and they tell me they liked her and told me she was a good kid. Mrs. O'Brian asks me why I asked and I tell them Kelly was found murdered the same way their daughter was. "Was Paige dating anyone?" I ask. "No. Paige focused more on school than on boys." "Ok." I say. We talk for a few minutes then Mrs. O'Brian asks me if I can give them Paige's class ring. I tell her I'll see what I can do and I leave. When I walk outside I go find Hotch. When I find him he asks if I found anything. I tell him about Jacob and Kelly's relationship and then I ask him if he found anything. He says he found her in a fetal position and she had defensive bruising. Then we go to the station. On the way there I can't help but think of how bad I want him. He is your boss Emily! Stop it! I think to myself.

{Hotch's POV}
When we land Prentiss and I get into an SUV and go to the victim's house. On the way there I can't help but think about how beautiful she is. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when we arrive at Paige O'Brian's house. Prentiss walks inside and I walk to the dump site behind their house. When I get there she is laying in a fetal position so he is definitely showing remorse. She also has definsive bruising on her knuckles and fingers. A few minutes later Prentiss comes up behind me. I turn around and ask if she found anything and she tells me Paige's brother Jacob was in a relationship with Kelly Martin the first victim. Then she asks me if I found anything so I told her about the fetal position and the bruises. Before we leave she asks me if I found a class ring. I tell her no then we get back in the SUV and go back to the station.

{Reid's POV}
When we land Rossi and I get into one of the black SUVs and Rossi takes me to the station and then goes to Kaylee Johnson's house. I walk into the station and get started on the geographical profile. He abducts them from their bedroom but no one sees or hears anything and he dumps them behind their house and still no one sees or hears anything. A few minutes later JJ and Morgan come in then Prentiss and Hotch come in a few minutes later.

{Rossi's POV}
When we land me and Reid get into one of the SUVs and I drop Reid off at the police station and then go to Kaylee Johnson's house to talk to her parents. When I get there I knock and Mr. Johnson answers the door and asks me who I am I show him my badge and say "I'm SSA David Rossi with the bahavioural analysis unit for the FBI. I'm here to ask you a few questions about your daughter Kaylee." He moves so I can come in. We sit down and I ask them questions about their daughter. I ask if Kaylee was seeing anyone and before they answer I hear someone walking down the stairs. It was Kaylee's sister Makenzie. I can see by the look on Makenzie's face she is lying when she says "No." "Mrs. and Mr. Johnson do y'all mind if I talk to Makenzie alone?" I ask. "There may be some things that Kaylee didn't want you to know so Makenzie doesn't want to say it around you and break her trust." I answer "Ok. I know she's a teenage girl so she is gonna have secrets." Mrs. Johnson states as Mr. Johnson protests. I nod and walk upstairs and Makenzie leads me to Kaylee's bedroom. "Makenzie, is there anything you want to tell me?" I ask. "It's just... I don't know if I should tell you but Kaylee was into girls not guys. She has a girlfriend." She tells me. "What is her girlfriends name?" I ask. "Rose Glory, but you can't tell our parents. She didn't want them to know because they don't support." She says. "I won't." I say as I leave the room and walk back downstairs. "Thank you for your help. I'm gonna go back to the station if you see an unfimiliar vehicle or person call me." I say and hand Mr. and Mrs. Johnson my card then I walk outside and go back to the station. When I get here I tell everyone about Rose and Hotch tells Prentiss to go with him to her house after we call Garcia and get the address.

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