Chapter 9

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2 Years Later
{Prentiss' POV}
I wake up to the smell of bacon and french toast, my favorite, and the sound plates being taken out of the cabinet. I get up and walk to the kitchen. Aaron sees me and says "Good morning baby. I made your favorite breakfast, bacon and french toast." "Good morning babe. It smells amazing." I reply. I help him fix plates then I go upstairs to wake Jack up. Me and Jack come downstairs and Aaron, Jack, and I eat. When we finish eating Jack goes to his play room and me and Aaron clean up the kitchen. "Do you wanna take Jack to the park?" Aaron asks. "Yea. Sounds like fun." I reply.

{Hotch's POV}
Me and Emily finish cleaning the kitchen and I go upstairs to tell 13 year old Jack we're going to the park. Even though Jack isn't a little kid he still likes going to the park. We all get ready and we go to the park. When we get to the park Emily is very surprised because she didn't know a week ago I asked Jack if he was ok with me and Emily getting married and this morning before I made breakfast I went to the park and put rose petals down the sidewalk and used rose petals to make a huge heart. When we get there I run to get into the middle of the heart. Emily walks to me "Emily Prentiss I have loved you from the moment you walked into my office for the first time. I seen you had changed alot since you were a teenager. You were beautiful and smart and you were very persistent on being on the team. I still don't know how the paperwork fucked up but I'm glad it did because if it wasn't for that then I wouldn't be asking you..." I say as I get down on one knee and open the ring box "Emily Prentiss will you marry me?" She covers her mouth and starts to tear up. "Yes! Yes I'll marry you! I love you Aaron." She says then she kisses me. "I love you too Emily." I say then I kiss her.

{Alex Blake's POV}
I wake up and check my phone. It's me and David's 2 year anniversary. We're not married. It's the 2 year anniversary of us getting together. I wake up and walk to the kitchen where David is making breakfast. "Smells good." I say as I walk up to him. "I'm making biscotti." David says. "Sounds good and happy anniversary." I say. "Happy 2 year anniversary. I love you." David says. "I love you too." I say then he kisses me and finishes breakfast. We eat, exchange gifts, watch a movie, get ready, and go to dinner.

{Rossi's POV}
When me and Alex get to dinner, a guy comes up to her and asks her for her number. "No. I have a boyfriend." She says and points to me. "Yea. I know but you can do better than him." The stranger says. "No but I can do better than you. Leave me alone." Alex says. "What if I don't?" He says. I clear my throat to get his attention then I take out my badge. He apologizes and walks back to his table. Me and Alex laugh and finish eating. I pay the bill then we go home.

{JJ's POV}
I wake up with Spence and 10 year old Henry in the bed with me. Henry fell asleep on the couch and me and Spence didn't want to wake him up while carrying him upstairs so we just took him to put bed because it was a shorter distance and let him sleep in our bed. I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand and notice it's only 1:00 a.m. Why did I wake up so early? I think to myself just as a sick feeling starts to wash over me. I jump up and run to the bathroom. I guess me jumping up caused Henry to wake up because I hear him walk towards me as I'm puking my guts out. "Momma, are you ok?" He asks. I finish throwing up and say "Yes baby, I'm ok." He hands me a rag to wipe the vomit off of my face and walked back to my bedroom. I walked back to my bedroom and noticed Spence was awake. "Are you ok baby?" He asks. "Yea I'm ok. I'm sure I just caught a cold or something." I answer.

{Reid's POV}
I wake up to the sound of Henry asking JJ if she was ok then I heard her throw up. When she walked into our bedroom I asked her if she was ok and she said she was fine she was probably just sick. "Jage, I think I should take you to the doctor just to be sure." I say. She just nods then lays back down with me and Henry. We go to sleep and wake up to our alarm clock going off. We get up and while JJ is getting ready I call Hotch and tell him I'm taking JJ to the doctor and we'll be late coming into work today. Hotch says it was fine and I hung up and got ready. When we get to the doctor we decide to get an ultrasound just to be sure she wasn't pregnant. We sat in the waiting room for an hour before the nurse came out and called us back. The nurse put the cold ultrasound gel on her stomach and she shivered. We watch the screen for a minute before the nurse says "Congratulations! Jennifer you're pregnant!" I can't believe JJ is pregnant. I'm gonna be a father. I think to myself.

{Morgan's POV}
I wake up to my phone ringing. As soon as I pick mine up Penelope's start going off. "Reid is calling me." I say. "Uh oh. I don't know what happened but JJ is calling me." Penelope says. I answer my phone and as soon as I do I hear Reid talking really fast. "Hold on. Kid take a deep breath then tell me what you just said but slower. "JJ's pregnant!" He says. "WHAT? That's great! Congrats kid! You're gonna be a great dad!" I say. "I hope so. I'm really nervous." He says. "Don't be. You're great with Henry so I know you'll be a great dad." I say. "Thanks Morgan. That helped." He says and hangs up.

{Garcia's POV}
I answer my phone and go to the living room so I can hear JJ. "Ok Penelope don't freak out but I'm pregnant." JJ says. "OH MY GO-" I say remembering she told me no to freak out. "That great Jage!" I say. "I know I'm so excited! Henry is too. I don't know about Spence though." She says. "I got to go bye." "Bye Jage. Congrats." I say then hang up. I run back into my bedroom. "HOT STUFF!! JJ IS PREGNANT!!!" I say to Derek squealing. "Baby girl I know and calm down." We spent the rest of day watching tv and cuddling.

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