Chapter 5

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{Prentiss' POV}
When Hotch told me to come with him to Rose's house I got butterflies in my stomach because just the thought of being alone with him made me happy and nervous. We got into one of the SUVs and drove to Rose Glory's house. The whole ride I was thinking about how handsome and caring he actually is. When he notices I'm staring out of the window he asks me what's wrong. I tell him nothing was wrong I was just thinking but then he asks me what I was thinking about. I started to panic a little bit because I couldn't tell him I'm in love with him, he's my boss and he probably doesn't even feel the same way. I tell him I was thinking about the case. He just looked at me in disbelief but he didn't want to push the subject so he just stayed quiet and so did I for the rest of the ride. When we got there I went inside and Hotch knocked on the door. Rose's dad answered the door and asked who we were. We showed him our badges and Hotch said "I'm Agent Hotchner and this is Agent Prentiss. We're with the bahavioural analysis unit for the FBI. We're here to ask your daughter Rose Glory a few questions about one of her friends. Her friend Kaylee Johnson is missing." He just nods and lets us in and we follow him to Rose's room. Hotch stands in the doorway and I walk towards Rose. She looks up and asks "Who are you?" "Hi my name is Emily Prentiss and this is my unit chief Aaron Hotchner. We work for the behavioral analysis unit for the FBI. We are here to ask you about your girlfriend Kaylee Johnson." I say. When I said girlfriend she looks up to make sure her dad wasn't there and didn't hear me then she looks at her hands. "How did you know?" She asks. "Her sister Makenzie told one of my coworkers. Don't worry we're not gonna tell your dad." I answer. "Thank you." She says. "You're welcome." I say. "Why are you here. Is Kaylee ok?" She asks with a confused and worried look on her face. I look at Hotch and he looks at me and we just look at each other for a minute before I turn back to Rose and say "I'm so sorry but Kaylee is missing." "I knew something was wrong." She says. "What are you talking about?" I ask." Last night we were texting then at about 11:25 she texted me a bunch of different letters. I thought she was messing with me so I ignore her but deep down I thought maybe something was wrong then at about 2 this morning she started to say something. Do you want me to just show you?" She says. "Yes." I answer. Rose turns and grabs her phone from beside her and as she is putting in the password Hotch walks over to us. Rose hands me her phone

Kaylee: ddnhsd xjdjshk ddbhe sjdhdn sdhdhfj xjjsls jd dxdhid ecjdx udjr
Rose: haha very funny
*2:16 a.m*
Kaylee: call the podndjsj dhhd xjejd xjdbkz fjhssbk urehx djdbjdd vdjdh

I show Hotch and point out where it says "call the" in the last message she sent. "Hotch, look it's like she was trying to say call the police or something but the unsub caught her and tried to take her phone but she fought back." I say.

{Hotch's POV}
Prentiss says "Hotch, look it's like she was trying to say call the police or something but the unsub caught her and tried to take her phone but she fought back." I say "If Kaylee or the unsub still has Kaylee's phone then maybe it's still on so Garcia can track it or at least see where the text was sent from." Then we thank Rose for talking to us and we leave on the way back she is still staring out of the window and she said she was just thinking about the case but I think she is thinking about someone she likes because she is biting her bottom lip. That is so sexy. "Hey Prentiss, who do you like?" I ask chuckling. "What?" She asks clearly confused. "You're biting your bottom lip, staring out of the window so you're clearly thinking about someone you have a crush on." I say. "I don't like anyone." She says but I can tell she's lying. "Whatever." I say as I laugh. "Wait did Aaron Hotchner just laugh." She says as she laughs. Her laugh is so beautiful and it sent chills down my spine when she called me Aaron. We laugh for a minute but then it goes back to silence and she continues to stare out of the window she bites her lip for a second before she realized it and stops but I got a picture before. "Why did you stop biting your lip?" I ask laughing. "I wasn't." She answers. "Yes you were. See." I say as I show her the picture. "You took a picture of me?" She say as she chuckles. "Yes I did but only because you looked adorable." I say before I realize it. "Wait what." She asks abviously surprised I said she was adorable. I felt my cheek turning bright red. I didn't answer we just rode silent the rest of the way back to the station.

{JJ's POV}
When Hotch and Emily get back they seen a little off. They come in and show us the pictures of the messages Hotch took on his phone and he accidentally shows us a picture of Emily biting her lip. I guess that's why they were acting weird. When he realizes he showed us the picture he turns his phone off so we can't see it then he calls Penelope to ask her to track Kaylee's phone. Hotch tells us we found our guy and we have the address. We all get into the SUVs and go to the address Garcia sent us. I get in an SUV with Reid. He is so hot. Em gets into an SUV with Hotch and Rossi gets into an SUV with Morgan.

{Prentiss' POV}
I got into an SUV with Hotch so we could talk about earlier. "What did you mean by I looked adorable." I ask. He just ignored me but when I brought it up his face got red. I took a picture. "Why did your face get red?" I ask teasing him. "It was just a slip. I didn't mean to say it. Can we just not talk about it?" He pleads. "Fine, but I'm keeping the picture." I say. "What picture?" He asks. "This one." I say as I show him the picture. "Delete that!" He says. "Why?" I ask. "Why do you even want a picture of me?" He asks. "Because it's hilarious." I state. Before he could say anything else we arrive and we all get into position. I go around back with JJ and Morgan and Hotch goes to the front door with Rossi and Reid. We burst through the door and run. Hotch, Rossi, and Reid go downstairs to the basement and me, JJ, and Morgan look through the rest of the house. I was walking into the kitchen when I hear glass break downstairs and we all run to the sound. I see a broken mason jar on the ground and the suspect Mathew Graham holding a gun to Kaylee Johnson's head. When we walk in Mathew tries to shoot Hotch so I shot him in the arm making him drop his gun.

{Rossi's POV}
Prentiss shoots Mathew in the arm to make him drop the gun. She succeeds. When he drops the gun Morgan arrests Mathew, JJ comforts Kaylee as Prentiss and I untie her, and Hotch and Reid walk out with Morgan making sure he doesn't escape from Morgan's grasp.

{JJ's POV}
When we get Kaylee into an ambulance she is rushed to the hospital because she has stab wounds on her torso, legs, and arms. We all go back to the station and get all of our stuff and clean up then we get on the plane. Everyone but me, Emily, and Hotch are asleep. A few minutes later I fall asleep.

{Prentiss' POV}
We get on the plane and in half an hour everyone but me and Hotch are asleep. I get up and go to the bathroom and as I'm washing my hands I hear a knock on the bathroom door so I open it.

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