20| The Gift and the Promise

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A couple of weeks later, Mollie May and George were out running errands. Now that George was the boss, he wasn't supposed to be running errands, but he had always said it made him feel younger, so he still took on the more important matters. The pair had pulled up outside the rather grand looking house of Don Rossi, the underboss for the Bravo family that controlled Wales.

They headed in through the massive archway and into the porch where they stood and looked around, waiting for a maid that would bring them to Don Rossi. "George, when's the last time you heard from Emilia?" Mollie May asked him randomly as she looked up at the painted ceiling.

George hesitated for a second, before answering, his eyes lingering on the expensive décor of the house, "I haven't been talking to her for a couple of months actually. She sort of distanced herself from the family when she moved to Ireland." Mollie May nodded, a bad feeling settled itself firmly on the bottom of her stomach like silt. The last time she'd seen her, Emilia was rolling around on the roof which had collapsed shortly after.

"Why?" George looked over at her, cigar perched between his lips and his hat tilted slightly over his eyes. He wore a new pin striped suit which made him feel very grand and authorative, a curious expression on his face. "Em, she turned up at my office a couple of weeks ago." "Ah, right." George seemed to sigh.

A woman in a maids uniform came scuttling towards them, "You can't be here. Mr. Rossi isnt expecting any visitors so I'm afraid you'll have to leave." she told them, trying to lead them towards the door.

"Oh, yes." George smiled at her politely, "We're terribly sorry about that. We've turned up quite unannounced, but I'm afraid this is a very urgent meeting that can not wait. It's to do with business." He put an emphasis on the word and the maids eyes seemed to roll back in her head with shock. She swallowed wearily and looked between the pair cautiously. "Very well, if you follow me, I'll take you to Mr. Rossi office."

They followed the maid through grand winding corridors, the black and white marble tiles making their footsteps echo around them. "You know, I've been wondering a lot recently why you didn't give the position of underboss to her." Mollie May ignored George's eye contact, unable to hide her insecurities any longer. "You said I was blood, but she's your daughter." George looked to Mollie May as they entered into a massive drawing room. Don Rossi stood by the fire, whiskey in hand and a fat cigar stuck between his teeth.

He turned when he heard them enter, a fake smile plastered onto his face. "George King. I didn't expect to see you here." He greeted them like old friends, shaking their hands politely, "And Mollie May King. I've heard much about you." Mollie May raised a bored eyebrow at him. "Whiskey?" they accepted and both took a glass of whiskey, joining him at the fire, the orange flames warming the sides of their faces.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" George glanced at Mollie May, allowing her to deliver the news. She cleared her throat and began with a new found authority, "One of the capos, under your command, killed a civilian in one of our restaurants." Don Rossi nearly choked on his whiskey, "What!?" he spluttered.

"Angelo Gaia killed a woman in one of our restaurants." She repeated bluntly. "Yes, I know that, you've just bloody told me. But what do you mean he killed her? He couldn't have. Not in a public place." Mollie May cocked her head to one side and pursed her lips, "Well, he did. Shot her straight in the head, blew her brains out all over the customers at the table behind them. She then rolled onto the floor and blood poured from her head – is that an easier picture for you to understand Mr. Rossi?" Mollie May asked him, her words dripping with sarcasm.

He glared at her angrily, "I know she's dead, Jesus Christ. Im asking you why! Why, dammit!" he snarled, his voice getting angrier. "Because she didn't want to go on another date with him. So he shot her."

Heavy is the Head ||A Peaky Blinder Fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now