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"Yeah and that's why I was able to cross you up and finish." I say laughing with the ball on my hip. I was never really one of those super girly girls who refused to even touch a ball, I mean we live in Omaha, Nebraska and there's nothing to do so I just grew up playing sports witht the boys on my street to keep me entertained.

"Whatever Emily, its not like I actually play basketball everyday unlike you." Jack says rolling his eyes and getting a sip of water. "Anyways, you ready for our senior year?"

"Yeah, we've gotta make it to the finals this year." I say grabbing my bag and taking off my shoes and replacing them with slides.

"Could you take your mind off of basketball for one second Em?! Geez, there are so many things you could do this year though..."

I laugh to myself and stand up and start heading towards the cage doors. "Like what exactly?" There was nothing I was more focused on this year other than sports. Even my plans after basketball season were still sports related. I plan on getting into a good university that gives me a full fly by scholarship based on my athletic abilities... and that'll happen as long as I pass all of my classes. But, let's not get too ahead of ourselves here. 

"Oh I don't know... hommecoming queen?"

"No one wants to date a girl who's ten times better at them in their favorite sport."

"Well some guys find it super attractive. Besides, not all guys like sports." He says catching up with me. A red camero is waiting for us right outside the cages. A kid with blonde hair leaned up against the side scrolling on his phone.

"What's up bro?" Gilinsky says approaching him and throwing his stuff in the back seat. I wave at the blonde boy and he smiles and gives me an acknowledging head nod. I've known him... well not exactly like close with him, but I've known of him since grade 2, when I first moved to Omaha him and Jack were inseparable. And they still are but they do less things together now.

"Oh nothing... You know man, I've been thinking about trying out for the basketball team this year." Johnson says looking at G. I try to hold in my laugh but can't. He's so short and skinny compared to everyone else on the team, not to mention he's one of biggest nerds at our school. He's delusional if he thinks he actually has a chance. He'll get cut at the first day of tryouts.

Gilinsky hits me in my side and I cover my mouth trying to cover the laughter, throwing my stuff in the car as well.

"Look, I know I don't look like most of the guys on the court but our team needs a good point guard and with my size I can play the position."

I chuckle a bit staring at the ground and letting my thoughts out immediately.

"Okay, we have Sammy, yes he may be a forward but he's an excellent ball handler, and if we really needed a point guard that badly, the coach would pull one of the freshmen."

Johnson starts to look a little hurt and I exchange a What I Was Only Being Truthful? face with the Jack G and hop in the car, closing the door. Jack says a few words that I can't make out through the car doors and then they both get in the front seats while. I pull out my phone and look through my texts and then once we get to Gilinsky's house G gets out and thanks Johnson.

"Look you two, be nice." He says making eye contact with both of us before leaving. We don't hate each other but we're not friends either. This was just a driving arrangement that we worked out. Nothing more, nothing less.

We sit in silence for a moment and then Jack starts the car and starts driving again. Once we get to my house I start to get out right before I feel Jack's hand on my knee. What is he doing...

"What?" I ask with a sassy tone to it.

"Hey look, I know I'm not good at basketball but I don't wanna grow up and look back on my life and know that all I did was make good grades and do absolutely nothing that was spectacular or spontaneous. I wanna be different."

"You are different." I say kind of hoping he takes it a different way than the way I meant it. I feel a pang of regret and try to recover, "Making good grades is not something everyone can do." I show a smile hoping he'll forget my first set of words.

He stares at me for a moment with a blank face. He looks away and then lets his words flow again.  "Look you're good a basketball, and you know that math is not  exactly your forte."

"Yeah, so?"

"So..." He says smiling. "How about in trade for free basketball lessons, I tutor you in math and help you get that scholarship to Stanford."

I purse my lips and then stare at Johnson who eyes are just radiant of hope.

"Sure," I say grabbing my stuff. I mean I was only making C's in math but colleges aren't going to look at it like it's the best thing in the world. "I'll help you train all the way up to the end of basketball season, but you have to help me with math the entire year."

"You have got yourself a deal Miss Waterson." He says smiling.

I give a slight smile back and exit the car and stand on the curb and wave goodbye to him as he drives off. This is going to be a hell of a year.

I open the door to my house and set my things on the wooden floor, walking into the living room where I find my mom and another woman sitting down and talking. She looks quite familiar.

"Oh my gosh Emily, hi!" I hear a younger voice say. I turn around and see a girl my age with long dark brown hair and chocolate colored eyes and tan skin.

Those features... I recognize them, it's.... "Alex!" I scream running up and hugging her. "Oh my god I've missed you, why are you here? I thought you weren't visiting Omaha this summer."

"Well, my mom decided to move back for Senior year so I can't get caught up in the city." She says pointing to her mother who is sitting behind me. She makes these gagging sounds that makes us both laugh.

"I'm so glad your here, I need to catch you up on some stuff you know. This year is going to be great."

"Well ladies hate to rain on your party but we need to go furniture shopping now." Her mom says getting up and grabbing her purse. "We just wanted to give you two a brief visit, but Alex can come by later this week."

Alexandria nods and smiles and then I come up with an idea. "Hey look, if we don't get to chill before school starts I'll see you on the first day of school. Me and my friends will pick you up okay?"

"Oh well I'm not starting school until like the second week. My mom hasn't filled out the forms and transferred all the information so it might take a while. But when I finally do go sure." She says smiling and hugging me before heading to the door where her mom was waiting.


I wave to her as the door closes and the room falls silent. Definitely going to be a heck of a year.

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