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I'm at school already since my mom offered to drop me off today and reorganizing my locker. What can I say? I tend to get a little messy at times.

I hear a group of familiar voices and turn to see Alexandria and make eye contact with her. Shawn has his arm wrapped around her and kisses her on the cheek before she playfully pushes him away and runs over to me laughing.

"Well, then." I see smiling at her.

"What?" She says.

"Oh, you know what." I say nodding my head over at Shawn who passes by. Alex hits me on the arm and I turn my head back to her.

"Ow! And you know why don't you two just date already, seeing you two do cute stuff in the hallway kills me and you wanna make it worse by not going out?"

She rolls her eyes and leans up against the locker. "Shut up, anyways... How's things with Sammy?"

I feel my cheeks turn red and give off a small smile and then bite my lip.

"What happened?!" Alex says with her eyes getting big.

"Nothing! Nothing. I just went over to his house and we did some stuff..." I says my voice getting lower and drifting off.

"You guys did stuff?" She says making a confused face and then going back into shock. "You gUYS-"

I turn and put my hand over her mouth. I didn't need her telling everyone about my sex life.

"Please let everyone in the school know about my virginity being lost." I say sarcastically. Wait she didn't know I was a... "I mean-"

"You'RE A VIR-" I shove her arm and she stumbles back a few step.

"Shut up! Jesus Christ you loud mouth tell the entire town please I want my life to be ruined." I roll my eyes and shove another book into my locker. A couple of guys walking buy snicker and I press my forehead against the metal door. Great.

"Sorry, but did you guys.... you know use protection?"

"Yes of course." I says turning to my locker.

"Oh my god, you had sex with him." She pauses with her mouth formed in an O shape, still taking all of my information in. "How was it?"

"Fine. And this isn't something I want to discuss here with random kids just walking past us catching our every other word." I say lowering the tone of my voice. She rolls her eyes obviously not caring. "I'll tell you more later okay, class starts soon. You can sleep over tonight."

"You better." She says turning away and walking to class I walk in my class which straight across the hallway and let my school day begin.

The day went by fast and by the end of 5th period Mr. Donovan's lecture about how everyone should take his English class more seriously, in which none of my fellow classmates even took the speech itself seriously, the bell rings.I head out the door and walk to my locker where Sammy is waiting.

"Hey babe," He says as I approach him. There goes that word again.

"Hey Sammy" I say grabbing his hand that's held out for me.

"Come with me," He says grabbing my hand. I follow him up a flight of stairs and onto the far side of the school and wonder where we're going. This hallways are quiet and we go through some heavy doors and we enter a concrete area. This is the way to the locker rooms.

"Sam?" I question as he stops in front of a door and pulls out some keys from his pocket. What the hell where did those come from? I get a glance at an idea with a familar face who I assumed must've been a janitors considering the item and the uniform in the picture.

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