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Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't believe myself. How could I have possibly allowed this to happen? Not only did I sleep with Sammy, again, when I told myself I was mad at him for flirting with yet another girl, it was the fifth time this week. And to make the situation worse, I'm waking up in his bedroom.

"Shit." I whisper to myself as I whip the covers off and crawl out of the bed slowly , trying to prevent the mattress from giving away to those annoyingly rickety sounds that would wake up Sam.

"Erkkk." I wince my eyes and mentally yell at the mattress. I hear ruffling and turn to see Sammy yawning and stretching.

"Hey beautiful" He says. As you may imagine he looks like a sex god with the sun hitting him at the perfect angle and birds chirping in the background. If that was the case, the mattress wouldn't have squeaked so it's actually the exact opposite. A literal porno magazine is sitting on the floor in perfect few of me to see, the sheets stink and its still before dawn.

I give him a slight smile and then slip on my sweatpants which I arrived in. I start planning an excuse in my head for my mother to believe. God knows how worried she is. I won't be surprised if she slaps the sexual organs out of me the second I walk through the door.

"Look, Sam, last night was fun and I'd love to stay," Lie. "But I really have to go okay, I'll see you at school on Monday 'kay?" he nods as he begins to sit up not saying much and just running his hands through his hair. I leave and quietly slip out the back door and run to my car which has been cleverly parked at the local park.

This is what our relationship has been lately. Nothing but sex, and the sex hasn't even been that good. We don't talk any real conversations it's more of just going through the motions and saying things that complete strangers may say like, "how are you" and "hi". I've been feeling the need to tell him its just not working out or something along those lines but why? I have everything going for me right now, is a breakup really what I need. It'll bring me down, I know it will I'm just not emotionally prepared for a situation like this, I'll miss him and get back with him, I need someone there to fill in the hole that he's made. I just won't be complete without him there.

I pass the houses I've somewhat familiar to now that I come down this street more often to see Sammy. I turn onto a road and then another which brings me to my own street buried deep in the neighborhood. Cop cars are lined up on the sides all centering my house.

"Shit." I say thinking out loud. My mom probably thinks I'm missing because I decided to spend the night at Sammy's. I did tell her I was going bowling with the girls from basketball which again, was another lie. I park two houses down and hop onto my feet out of my car and jog to across the lawn and driveway of my neighbors. I open the door and my eyes are met with a group of others all just staring at me for a split second. Most attend back to their business and one approaches me. I'm here so why are they acting like nothing happened?

"Excuse me mam," The officer begins. I begin to feel my heart begin to race against the whispers and words echoing in the room.

"What's going on?" I say widening my eyes probably looking just a few hairs short of a maniac. I look around and try to spot my mom in the crowd of blue uniforms in our living room. "Mom?! Where's my mom?"

"Listen, I need you to calm down mam,"

"Can you please just tell me what's going on?! Mom?!" I scream a bit louder hoping she'll reveal herself. Another officer begins to approach us as the officer in front of me places his hands on my arms and tries to hold me down before I begin to try to find my mom.

"Harry let her go." We both freeze and the man hesitates but then lets go. "I'll talk to her."

"Yes sir." He then walks away and joins the other men in blue crowding my living room. I take the moment of silence between me and the new officer to look at his badge. Sheriff. S. Blankton.

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