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six - reality.


FOLLOW ME @madisonbeerismygf


third person ||

"yeah chase, you're on your own with this one." baron patted chase on his back as he walked back over to them.
"why...?" chase wondered.
"well.. i just asked if they wanted to come over here and she said "NO" baron quoted, making everyone but chase laugh.
"well that's expected," michael shrugged, "she knows you're trying to get chase to talk to her." he said.

"are you sure?" dylan looked at him and he nodded.
"oh, for sure." michael nodded, then looked at chase, "maybe if this idiot wouldn't have texted her 'i miss you', then she wouldn't have known." he blinked at chase making all the guys laugh.
"stop, it's not that funny." chase stood there, shaking his head.

"ughh," chase groaned, "bro i don't even care anymore, i just need five minutes to talk to her. literally even less."
"i'm not saying she won't talk to you, she for sure will. you just have to go up to her and say it or else she's not gonna." michael told him.
"i know," chase sighed.
"so if you know why aren't you doing it yourself?" baron asked.
".. cause i'm scared.." chase answered.

".. of elena?" michael looked at him, making the other guys laugh.
"YES???" chase exclaimed.
michael shook his head, "just go talk to her bro, trust." he said, "she'll never wanna talk to you if you're just standing here .."

"okay, but.. what do i do? how do i even approach her?" chase wondered.
"just. go. up. to. her." baron blinked.
"..." chase looked at them.
"no balls." dylan announced.

"... fine." chase gave in before he stopped leaning on the counter and began walking towards elena.
"there's no way.." michael spoke as they all watched him.

as dylan and michael watched chase walk away, baron pulled his phone out as quickly as he could to call zoi.

"hello?" she spoke, confused.
"ZOI! chase is gonna come talk to elena right now, find an excuse to tell her and leave right now." baron told her.
"uhmm- oh my god- okay, coming!" zoi exclaimed on the other side of the phone.

"i'll be right back." zoi told elena before rushing away. elena watched her run off, confused.

the two of them were outside, so zoi had just left her outside. after a second of standing there alone, back faces the door, she felt awkward, she didn't wanna be by herself here.

she turned around to go back inside, but she ended up bumping into someone's chest. whoever it was, he was tall.

they both exclaimed at the same time.

elena looked up and saw the person she bumped into was chase. of course it had to be him.

she looked up at him almost in awe, she didn't think she was actually gonna talk to him today.
"hi," he spoke up as he looked down at her.
"hi," she repeated, taking a step back from him.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now