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Vincenzo's mansion ^^

Allison's POV:

He was so hot. I couldn't think of someone else the whole week. When he started to walk close to me that night my heart was pounding very fast that I felt it may come out. I was wet and horny, even though he didn't even touch me or tried anything.

"URGHHHHHH" I was laying on my bed trying to think of something else then Mr. Salvatore. God why do I kept thinking about him. He is older than me and my dads boss I should stop. He probably have hot women around him all the time. I should really stop.

Knock knock

"Come in" I yelled from my bed. My dad soon entered the room and was in front of me in his suit. Even though it was Saturday my dad is still in a suit. He could sleep with them if liked.

"Pumpkin pack your stuff" he says by the nickname he always use. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and answered him.

"Why?" I asked and why do we have to pack. I will not leave this city.

"It's dangerous to stay here Allison please only this time do as I tell you" he said placing his hands on his hips. Why is it dangerous? I mean nothing happened all the years we've lived here why now?

"Why? And where are we going dad I can't just leave I have my friends here" I said annoyed sitting on my bed.

"I can't explain please do as told and we are not going out the city...we are gonna be in Mr. Salvatores house for awhile" he said making me shut up. Oh my fucking god. Me sitting here trying to forget him and out of no were we are moving to his house. Perfect. My live is perfect!!

"Fine" I said making him give a little smile and walk out. I stood up and went to my closet. I took my baby pink suitcase out. I placed it on my bed and opened it as I was about to walk to get the clothes my phone buzzed.

Ethan: my game at 5 today.

Me: I don't know if I can...

Ethan: and why?

Me: we are moving to another house for a couple of days.

Ethan: send me the location I will come and pick you up.

Of course he's gonna do what he wants. Typical Ethan. I'm not surprised. With a sigh I started to pack my clothes.

2 hours after, we headed to Mr. Salvatore's house. My dad was driving his Mercedes while I was sitting beside him listening to music in my air pods.

"Are you doing anything today?" My dad asked taking one of my Air pods out. Annoying.

"Yes" I said pulling the air pods from his hand. I placed them back and after a long silent he talked again.

"Could you maybe tell me with who?" He asked annoyed.

"I'm gonna see the game today" I said chatting on the group-chat.

"Don't do anything stupid Allison." He said. I stayed silent and rolled my eyes. The car started to drive out town and I felt panic. But then 20 minutes after we reached a big space. There was a big mansion and there were many guards. Like many. About 500 guards around this big ass mansion. It will be hard to sneak out. I already hate this place.

"Why are there many guards?" I asked looking at my dad.

" he is powerful Allison as I told you before" he said making me roll my eyes and lean back in my seat again.

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