Episode 20

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Sitting in the darkness, lightning lit up the small room illuminating a sulking figure hanging his head behind bars.

For Theodore he was used to this now, sitting in the cold basement in silence. Normally he would've been with other prisoners but Kris made sure he was in solitude so he couldn't manipulate anyone.

Which was their first mistake.

Lightning illuminated the room again and thunder shook the rest of the building.

But that wouldn't stop him. Nothing could stop him. Nothing or no one was powerful enough anyways and yet he was being locked up because of his power forgotten and cast out like some freak.

But in prison everyone was a monster and thus everyone was chained up whether they wanted to be or not.

And since he was a powerful monster Theodore often had to wear handcuffs, arm and leg chains. But while he was in his prison cell he was allowed to move around without them on.

Which was their second mistake.

His cell was fairly large but the prison was pitch black on the inside. The only light was the one overhead that when it would turn on it would flicker.

There was a bed in the corner with a pillow, a toilet, a sink and a mirror. Or it had been until he punched it days ago in an unexpected rage fit.

Now mirror shards littered the floor reflecting back a shell of a former man.

Plucking a mirror shard off the ground, Theodore looked into one of the biggest pieces that remained and carefully cut off the overgrown hairs that formed his beard.

Which was their third mistake.

Sitting back down on the bed he hadn't successfully gotten rid of his beard but it was good enough for the time being.

Putting the shard back on the floor Theodore discreetly took out his bey.

And now with Delta giving him all the tools he needed, he could finally escape this accursed place.

Or at least he had been until Theodore could longer reach him but that didn't matter. Delta had always been a pawn.

Which was their fourth mistake

But not yet, no. Escape would have to wait. He was playing the long game and the long game requires patience and building up power.

Including training, since Theodore was the only prison on the level he had been allowed to use the gym equipment: weights, treadmills, and more.

And finally their last mistake.

Allowing him to train, to move around and be rid of his chains, to be alone, having guests bring him his tools, and finally the sharp mirror shards.

It was almost like they wanted him to escape giving him all these generous presents like this.

But it was beginning to get dull anyway, the truth was Theodore knew there was more he could do.

At first he had just wanted to help bladers get stronger in unorthodox ways but now this was bigger. This was about finishing what Phi had started and Theodore knew he had been onto something gathering all the bladers.

Especially Free, Free was special and his understanding of power was beyond most bladers. But Theodore hadn't just wanted him because of his understanding no, Theodore had wanted him at the time to copy his power.

Free was a wild card and so was Shu, they were both immune to Phi's power unless they gave in on their own.

Which was why Theodore had targeted them from the very beginning. Free had been easy, once he realized he wasn't going to win all it took was a little push.

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