Episode 58

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Waking up, Shu's head pounded as he sat up on a bed. The cell was a bit larger than he had expected but was darker with the lights only in the hallway on.

He stood up and summoned his resonance gripping the bars trying to pull them apart but as soon as he touched them his power died down.

"Already tried that."

Turning around, Free got up wearing a Snake Pit outfit Shu narrowed his eyes ready to fight but as Free stepped towards the light Shu could tell he wasn't corrupted...yet. He was beaten up covered in bruises and dried blood.

"This cell is able to cancel our resonance." He said simply.

"I thought we would've been... turned by now," Shu said quietly.

But looking down at his clothes he was now wearing his former Snake Pit outfit reminding him of what was about to happen.

His stomach sickened with dread and tried to pull on the bars without using his power.

Free sat down watching not saying a word.

Finally Shu gave up and crumpled to the floor hugging his knees.

"What's going to happen to us?" Shu asked softly.

"Just like with Valt, he'll turn you into the perfect weapon. Making us do anything he wants us to, even if that's betraying Kris or hurting someone." Free said with a little anger.

After that the pair had nothing to talk about.

Looking around the cell, the walls were thick concerte and the bars were a newer shinier metal. The only other thing in the cell besides Free was a table with two masks on top.

Shu looked away not wanting to believe what was going to happen. He had been so close to freeing Valt. Only instead Theodore had stormed in and ruined it all. If Free had been able to hold him off just a bit longer then maybe he would've been able to escape with him but the more he thought about it, the more he realized even if he had been able to get through to Valt then he still wouldn't have been able to escape. Now instead he was going to be corrupted back into the very thing he had been trying to avoid from the very beginning: Red Eye.

Right on cue the sound of footsteps marched down the hallway lonesome and serious as if they were on a mission. For a second Shu hoped it was Valt but instead Theodore stood before them satisfied and calm.

"Shu and Free, I've got to hand it to the both of you, you guys came really close there for a second on draining my power and freeing Brown Eye from my control. But now here we are with almost everyone under my control but the two of you." He said pacing back and forth like a hungry shark.

"Now we call you Free and Shu the traitors, what do you think about that?" Theodore smilied.

"I don't care."Shu said, looking away.

Theodore's voice turned serious and he looked straight at Shu "How did you manage to get through to him?"

Shu didn't answer.

"I asked you a question." He said, raising his arm using his power.

Shu struggled against the invisible force trying to stay in control.

"Look around Shu, do you see anyone who can stop me and help you? Your little friend Valt has been tamed and turned too long and the rest of BC Sol's bladers are gone. You don't have any way to hurt me or you would've escaped with Valt by now." He said as his eyes darkened with fury and power.

Shu again didn't answer but struggled against Theodore's grip.

"Fine then, but once you're under Brown Eye and my control you'll have no choice but to cooperate."

Turning over to Free, Theodore's attitude changed.

"And Free, you really think I need you?"

Free looked up at him defiantly but said nothing.

"It would've been nice to keep the both of you around for a while by my side and Brown Eyes." He said.

"But now I have no choice but to make an example of you Free. Even Brown Eye understands this for he too has seen my wrath upon him. If I let things slide then people will think I'm too soft and we can't have them revolting against me. Even he understands being special and powerful does not mean you're safe."

"Now come along Free," Theodore held up his hand and Brown Eye came inside the cell.

They both turned their power against him making Free yell and scream in pain struggling.

"It's time for you to join us again,"Theodore said smiling.

At first Shu thought Theodore was going to use Free as an example to his other bladers teaching them the consequences of betrayal but why would Theodore need to when they were all under Brown Eyes control. Which was why at the same time they were making Shu watch Free being tortured and corrupted as a reminder of what happened to traitors and what they were planning to do to him.

Brown Eye's resonance could barely be seen wrapping around Free constricting and tightening around him with one last look he glanced over at Shu hoping he was going to do something to stop them but instead all Shu could do was watch with dread as Free was eventually consumed.

The golden resonance slowly died and flickered with Free closing his eyes not wanting to have his last moments of freedom be filled with Theodore and Brown Eye laughing. His body tense before, relaxed, no longer able to hold off the overwhelming power of Brown Eye and Theodore.

Then finally it was all over as Free dropped to the ground eye's closed, Shu regardless of whatever Theodore and Brown Eye were going to do to him ran over to Free trying to wake him up and do whatever he could.

The entire time Brown Eye and Theodore watched on the sidelines until they eventually got bored of the sappy scene.

Snake Pit bladers eventually came and grabbed Free taking him away.

Shu schooched away from the bars and back into the shadows as he watched Brown Eye leave along with Theodore.

Shu glanced at the mask in the corner as it shined through the shadows reminding he was next, that he was now the last blader against Theodore.

Shu Kurenai: The Last BladerWhere stories live. Discover now