Episode 25

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Valt watched from the office window as Theodore walked back into the Snake Pit. Holding out a remote the blinds started to close.

Valt pounded on the window again trying to get their attention but they seemed to be having their own problems.

Both Sasha and Fubuki looked terrible, still huddled in a fetal position of pain and misery. Aiger was mourning over the broken pieces of Achilles, Kris was away from the group silently crying.

Everyone else either seemed angry like Shu, Delta and Free or quiet like Drum and the Kiyama brothers.

Taking one last glance at Shu, Valt desperately tried to get his attention before the blinds shut him in for good.

Intense silence filled the air turning minutes into what felt like hours sitting and waiting for Theodore to return. Just the thought of being in the same room as him filled him with fear.

Finally, the door opened making Valt's heart beat even faster.

Theodore walked in, looking less composed than usual. His suit had wrinkles and his hair seemed a bit more messy.

But the thing that stuck out the most was his eyes, they were still glowing with power and madness. Almost as if he couldn't turn off his power.

"You may have me Theodore, but you will never succeed. There will always be someone to stop you!"

"They will all meet the same fate as you and besides I'm not here to hurt them Valt, I'm here for a different reason."

"Then why are you here?"

"I've always wanted you from the start, Valt, and the Requiem project was only a test to see how strong you were. Red Eye was only a mere warm up, you're the real prize. But..."

Pacing, Theodore circled Valt like a shark. His eyes turned distant as if he were somewhere else.

"But perhaps you should prove your worth..."

Sitting down in a chair across from Valt, Valt tried to get up but realized he was chained to the desk.

"Let me go Theodore! Please..."

Theodore ignored the pleas for help, he seemed like he was in another world.


Theodore turned to Valt, noticing him for the first time.

"Just let me go!"

Struggling in the chains, Valt's eyes started glowing blue.

Theodore's smile grew and he knew exactly what to do with Valt.

Walking out of the room, he brushed past other Snake Pit bladers immersed in their own tasks.

Opening a door he began searching.

Valt was special, but for Theodore he needed to make sure he was worthy. He needed to make sure his training had paid off, and that he was stronger.

Corruption could wait for Valt, for now Theodore needed to see what level Valt was at so he could work with him.

Walking back to his office, Theodore held something he had been waiting to bring out for a very long time.

But as soon as he came back, Valt was being held by Snake Pit bladers squirming in their arms.

His eyes were glowing blue and so was his resonance but instead it was dark blue. The chains lay discarded on the ground, broken.

"What happened?" Theodore growled.

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