Shrinking To Freedom

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Sammy was your typical middle school kid, living the typical middle school life: alone at the bottom of the social hierarchy. She had fair blonde hair of average length, ocean blue eyes, and typically wore a black dress. Life had been hard the last few weeks, the pressure hitting her hard. Eventually, Sammy couldn't take it any longer and longed to escape it all. She found her answer in a shady looking goth girl, who offered her a lab bottle containing a liquid that was able to shrink living things. To get it, Sammy had to pay the girl with an awkward cheek swab, for what reason she didn't know and didn't care for. Holding potential freedom in her hands, Sammy raced home to test it.

Sammy: This is it, this is how I escape this miserable life that I live.

When she got home, Sammy locked the door and sat at her work desk. Eagerly, but cautiously, she opened the bottle holding the shrinking chemical. Putting the bottle up to her lip, Sammy was about to drink the liquid, when she was interrupted by a loud pounding at her door. In a haste, Sammy shoved the bottle to the corner of her desk and ran to unlock the door.

Unseen parent: Sammy, please don't lock the door!

Sammy: Okay, sorry.

When Sammy went back to get the bottle, she was terrified to see that she had accidentally left the bottle open. Now, most of the liquid had spilled out onto the floor.

Sammy: No, no, NO! This can't be happening!

Sammy reached for the bottle and desperately tilted the bottle over her head. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck her tongue out, desperate to get any amount of liquid she could. From the bottle, a small drop of the liquid fell down onto Sam's tongue, rolling down the quivering muscle, until it fell down her throat and into her stomach. When the droplet hit the stomach acid, Sam didn't feel a thing.

Sammy: I can't believe, I was so close to freedom, and I blew it.

Sammy, in a fit of anger and sadness, climbed out her bedroom window, unseen, and ran away at full speed. She had no destination, no direction, she just ran forward, tears running down her face, never looking back. In the darkness, Sammy kept running and running, until she had no energy left in her.

When she stopped, Sammy began to breath heavily, until she felt a strange sensation run through her body. In an instant, the middle school girl shot down to a height of 2 inches tall. Sammy was speechless as she looked down at her feet.

Sammy: I can't believe it, it worked, that strange liquid actually shrunk me!

Sam jumped up in joy, before pondering an important question.

Sammy: Where am I?

Sammy looked around to see where she was. She looked up to see a sign that shook her to her core. It was a massive billboard, and it read... "WELCOME TO RACOON CITY!"

Sammy: Oh Shit, I ran all the way to racoon city. I didn't think I ran that far.

Sammy was dumbfounded... and a little worried. She knew about the incident that had occurred here, or at least she knew that there was an incident. All she knew was that the city had been destroyed for reasons unknown. There were rumors that it was a nuclear missile strike made by the Umbrella corporation to wipe out an outbreak of zombies that they may or may not have orchestrated. If there were zombies, they should be gone, but there was always the possibility that there were still a few of those undead freaks wandering about aimlessly.

Sammy: I have no other options, I guess I should go in and find someone that can help me, maybe even someone of my size if the universe allows it.

With that, Sammy walked into the abandoned city, unsure of what she would fine. Sammy's trek through Racoon City would be, for the most part, uneventful, save for one incredible meeting with a rather beautiful zombie killer.

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