Getting To Know Claire Redfield

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As Claire Redfield slowly walked down the empty and silent streets of Racoon City, she and Sammy engaged in pleasant conversation and got to know eachother better.

Sammy: So what are you doing here all by yourself Claire?

Claire Redfield: Well I was one of the survivors of the zombie outbreak that occurred here. I came looking for my brother, Chris Redfield, completely unaware of the outbreak. Some shit went down and I escaped with two other people. I came back here today to... I guess reminisce on the past. The outbreak had a real impact on me.

Sammy: Wow, you must be pretty tough to go through all that.

Claire: Yeah, I guess I am. What about you, Sam, what brought you here?

Sammy: Well I was having a tough time in middle school and every day life, and I wanted to escape the pressure. So I got this bottle and was planning to drink it, but I accidentally spilled it and only managed to get a tiny drop out of it. When nothing happened, I ran away from home until I came to a stop here and finally shrunk.

Claire Redfield: Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Well now you're safe with me and I'll happily take care of you until we find a solution.

Sammy: You mean it!

Claire Redfield: Absolutely!

Claire gave Sammy a big smooch on her small body. Sam blushed at the love and affection given by Claire, who now had a big, lovely smile with her teeth slightly agape.

Sammy: (Wow, she really is beautiful. I wish there wasn't such an age gap between us, because I totally want to marry her).

Sammy was in a loved filled bliss that was only broken by the sound and sight of Claire Redfield giving a massive yawn right in front of her.

Claire Redfield: Oh, excuse me. Forgive my lack of manners, Sam.

Sammy: It's okay, Claire.

Claire continued down the silent streets of Racoon City. The silence was suddenly broken by a loud rumbling. This loud rumbling was coming from Claire's stomach.

Claire Redfield: Oh boy, I guess I haven't eaten anything for quite a while.

Sammy: You should probably find something to settle your gut down, Claire.

Claire Redfield: Yeah, I probably should. For now, let's find a place to crash for the night.

Sammy: Aren't you worried about there being a possible zombie or two that might jump us.

Claire Redfield: Nah, I'm sure that there are no zombies left to attack us. Besides, if one does, I'll be ready.

Sammy: It's good to know that I have you as my guardian, Claire.

Claire Redfield: Oh don't mention it. Anyways, let's get searching, shall we.

Claire came to an abandoned gas station. She walked inside and saw a worn couch in the corner. After checking to see if they were safe, Claire flopped down onto the couch, causing Sammy to bounce off her shoulder and onto her stomach. As Sam got back up, she felt the ground beneath her rumbling as a result of Claire's stomach demanding food.

Claire Redfield: Oops, sorry about that. Here, let me help you.

Claire picked up Sam and placed her on her left shoulder while she lay face up on the couch.

Claire Redfield: That's better, wouldn't you say?

Sammy: Yeah, definitely.

Claire took a nap on the couch, while Sammy sat on her chest.

Sammy was so happy that she had met Claire Redfield, meeting her had made her life a thousand times better. Sam never imagined that she would meet such a beautiful woman, but she had in the form of Claire Redfield. Life could only get better from here. However, Sammy could never have known that tomorrow would hold some real surprises for her and Claire.

Sam was about to get real close to Claire Redfield, far closer than she could ever have anticipated.

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