Claire Redfield's Crazy Idea

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As the sun rose above Racoon City and beamed whatever light it could on the ruined city, Claire Redfield and the tiny girl, Sammy, awoke from their slumber. Claire gave a big, wide yawn that revealed the entirety of her maw. She accidentally let some saliva drip out of her mouth and onto Sammy, drenching her slightly.

Claire Redfield: Oops, sorry about that, Sam. Here, let me fix that.

Claire picked up Sam and cleaned the saliva off of her. After she had cleaned the girl off, Claire's stomach gave another loud rumbling.

Claire Redfield: Oh boy, I better eat something now!

Claire picked Sammy up and placed her on her shoulder. She then walked over to the food section of the gas station. Claire examined an old vending machine, before punching and breaking the glass.

Claire Redfield: Want anything?

Sammy: No thanks, I'm good.

Claire Redfield: Alright, suit yourself.

Grabbing a bag of chips and a few candy bars (which, miraculously, had not expired or gone bad), Claire walked back to the couch and sat down.

Claire Redfield: Sure you don't want anything Sam? Sam?

Claire looked at her shoulder to see that Sammy was fast asleep (despite just waking up).

Claire Redfield: Oh, you're asleep. Sorry about that.

Claire went about eating the bag of chips, chewing as quietly as humanly possible. Once it had become a bolus, she swallowed the chips. When they plopped into her gut, Claire felt relieved to have her hunger satiated. It was then that an interesting thought flowed through Claire's mind.

Claire Redfield: (You know, when you really think about it, those chips are probably in the safest place they could possibly be. I'm mean, if they're in my stomach, nothing can hurt them. I've essentially become their greatest protector).

It was then that Claire had an interesting idea. Looking at the tiny Sammy, she appeared to be small enough that she could easily swallow her whole and not have any issues. Almost immediately, Claire hesitated at the idea.

Claire Redfield: (I can't do it, I couldn't possibly eat Sammy, I would be a monster. Although, my stomach is the safest place for her to be in the current situation).

Claire was unsure of what to do, but eventually she came to a decision.

Claire Redfield: I'm going to swallow Sam, and I'm gonna do it because I want her to be safe. She's still asleep, so now's the best time to gobble her up.

Claire nervously reached for Sammy's fragile body and lifted her above her head. She lowered her towards her face and took a good sniff.

Claire Redfield: She does smell pretty good. Alright, here we go.

Claire raised Sam back up and began to slowly lower her into her mouth. She began to part her lips as she opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck her tongue out to act as a landing pad for the tiny Sam. Resentment began to grow inside Claire, but she pushed her hesitation aside and continued through with her plan.

Unbeknownst to Claire, Sammy was beginning to awaken from her slumber. As the little girl opened her eyes, she bore witness to a magnificent maw. A large, muscular tongue extended out from an organic cave with pearly white teeth. The reddish pink muscle led to a huge throat with a large, round uvula that hung down like slime from a person's hand.

Sam's eyes lit up in horror and began to cry out in fear.

Sammy: Oh my god (This can't be happening, this has to be some kind nightmare). Please stop, don't drop me in there, whoever you are!

Claire was snapped out of her concentration by the terrified Sammy and her pleas for mercy. She stopped what she was doing and placed Sam on her open hand.

Claire Redfield: Shh, shh! Calm down Sam, you're safe! You don't have to be scared!

Sammy: Claire, was that you? Was that you trying to eat me?

Claire Redfield felt a surge of regret fill her gut, but she reluctantly gave an answer.

Claire Redfield: Yes Sam, it was me. I was trying to eat you. (God this was such stupid idea).

Sammy: Why were you trying to eat me?

Claire Redfield: Well I wanted to keep you safe, and I had a strange idea pop in my head. I thought how being inside my stomach was probably the safest place for you to be, so I thought that by eating you, I would be protecting you.

Sammy: I mean, I guess there is some truth to that statement. I just wish that you had told me about it beforehand.

Claire Redfield: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I wasn't sure what you'd think of the idea, but I should have asked you first.

Sammy: Yeah, you probably should have asked me. So would you like to hear my answer?

Claire Redfield: Answer? Um... okay? Do you want to be eaten?

Sammy: Yes, Claire, I would like you to eat me.

Claire Redfield: Really? May I ask why you're agreeing to this?

Sammy: Well, I've always wondered what it would be like to be inside the human body, and from the way you describe it, the stomach does sound like a safe place to be, especially your's.

Claire Redfield: Aww, I appreciate the compliment. You sure you want me to eat you?

Sammy: Absolutely!

Claire Redfield: Well, we will get on that soon enough. First, let's make a plan.

Sammy: Alright, I'm definitely up for that.

With that, the unevenly sized pair got ready for Sam's journey into Claire Redfield's body.

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