Meeting Claire Redfield

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Sammy found it very unsettling walking down the empty and quiet streets of the abandoned Racoon City. The sense of loneliness persisted strongly throughout the empty streets. Sammy was nervous, yet she was not scared.

Sammy: Man, I never thought being alone in an abandoned city would be worse than being in an abandoned city infested with zombies. At least then I would feel a little thrilled, this is just sad and depressing.

Suddenly, Sam heard and felt footsteps coming towards her. Panicking, Sammy ran for the nearest cover and concealed herself as best she could. Sam ducked behind a police helmet lying at the side of the street. Peaking around the corner, Sammy saw two brown boots step forward. As she looked up, she saw what appeared to be a red vest with a brown knife holder on the left shoulder. It was then that Sammy saw the head of a girl with red hair wrapped in a ponytail and a very pretty face.

Sammy didn't recognize or know the giant woman before her at all, but she sure did have a huge crush on her (no pun intended)

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Sammy didn't recognize or know the giant woman before her at all, but she sure did have a huge crush on her (no pun intended). Sam wanted to walk up to the woman, but hesitated because she was unsure if the woman would help her or hurt her. She was also concerned about being stepped on by accident.

While Sammy was thinking about what to do, she didn't notice the woman looking in her direction. The woman had noticed some movement out of the corner of her eye near the police helmet. Curiously and cautiously, she walked over to the helmet and looked down to see the tiny Sam standing alongside it. It was then that Sammy looked up to see the beautiful face of the red vested female pearing down at her. Terrified, Sammy tried to sprint away, but was almost instantly caught by the giantess and brought up to her face.


Claire Redfield: What? Calm down little gal, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Sammy: You're not?

Claire Redfield: Of course not! I could never hurt a child like you.

Sammy: I'm not a child... um... ma'am.

Claire Redfield: Oh dear, how rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm Claire Redfield, what's your name?

Sammy: Nice to meet you Claire Redfield, I'm Sammy.

Claire Redfield: Well it's nice to meet you too, Sam. You know I've never met a person so tiny, could you explain to me why you're so small.

Sammy: Well I took a sip of a strange chemical that's designed to shrink things, and it caused me to shrink.

Claire Redfield: Interesting story. Well it must be hard being out in this wasteland all by yourself at that size, you'll definitely be safer if you stay with me. Whaddya say?

Sammy: Sure, why not. I'd love to be with such a beautiful woman.

Claire Redfield: Oh, you don't have to flatter me, Sam.

Sammy: But I'm dead serious Claire, I think that you are truly beautiful!

Claire Redfield: Ah, that's so sweet! Thanks Sam.

Claire then gave Sammy a light kiss, causing her to giggle with utter joy. Claire then raised the tiny pre teen up to her right shoulder.

Claire Redfield: Hop on and hold tight, Sam.

Sammy jumped onto Claire's shoulder and sat securely on the red vest.

Claire Redfield: I'm sure that we'll have a great time together, Sam.

Sammy: As do I, Claire.

Sammy shuffled over to Claire's cheek and planted a firm kiss onto the soft skin. This caused Claire to blush quite a bit, which she tried her best to hide.

Claire Redfield: Sam, you really are too sweet.

Both girls happily giggled as Claire walked down the empty streets of Racoon City. This was an interesting turn of events for little Sammy, and there were still more surprises in store for her.

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