Eaten By Claire Redfield

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Claire Redfield sat at a table, placing Sammy on the wooden surface, and began to discuss how she would go about eating the little girl.

Claire Redfield: So how do you want to be eaten, Sam? Would you like to be eaten plain, with water, or some other food?

Sammy: I think I'll go down as I am, nothing on the side.

Claire Redfield: Okay then, so I'll put you in my mouth and swallow you whole, correct?

Sammy: Yep.

Claire Redfield: Well let me eat something more so you have more land to stand on that's out of my stomach acid.

Sammy: Alright, that sounds like a plan.

Claire went and finished eating the chips and chocolate bars she got out of the vending machine. Once she was finished, she walked over to the table Sam was standing on and offered her a hand to climb onto.

Claire Redfield: You ready, Sam?

Sammy: As I'll ever be.

Claire Redfield: Excellent, hop on then.

Sammy jumped onto Claire's open hand, which she promptly raised up to her beautiful face.

Sammy: Claire, before we do this, I wanted to say that I truly think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Claire Redfield: *giggles* That's quite a statement for someone that isn't even an adult yet, I'm worried you're going to make me blush.

Blush, Redfield did.

Claire Redfield: Climb on in Sam, whenever you're ready.

Claire then moved her hand up to her lips, which she then opened to reveal a clean, wet tongue slithering out and creating a bridge from her hand to her mouth. Sammy took a deep breath before climbing onto the massive tongue and sitting down on the wet muscle. Claire then pulled her tongue back in, with Sammy safely on it, and gently closed her mouth.

Inside Claire Redfield's mouth, Sammy's vision was pitch black. She could feel the soft, wet tongue beneath her and the sweet breath being blown out from Claire's lungs. Eventually, Sam's vision began to clear and she could see what Claire Redfield's mouth looked like.

Claire Redfield's mouth was a vast, cavernous cave that was constantly shifting. A large, muscular tongue lay on the bottom of her mouth, moving around ever so slightly. Her jaws were lined with pearly white teeth on the top and bottom. In the back was a huge throat with a large, round uvula that hung from the top like slime from a person's hand. Claire's mouth was anything but slimy, the whole thing had a clean wetness to it, with only thin saliva strings being visible. Her throat flexed as she breathed, exuding a sweet, almost minty breath.

Sammy was in complete amazement, she never could have imagined that being inside Claire Redfield's mouth would be this incredible.

Sammy: WOW! It's so beautiful (slight echoes).

Claire Redfield: I'm glad to hear that.

The tongue below Sammy shifted violently as Claire spook, her voice booming around the tiny girl.

Claire Redfield: Oops! Sorry about that, I'll try to be more careful when I speak. Say Sam, mind if I taste you a bit?

Sammy: No, I guess?

Claire Redfield: Okay then.

Sammy was swept off her feet by Claire's massive tongue, which began to move her around her mouth. She could feel the giant woman sucking and tasting her as the tongue gripped her body. Sam found it to be a unique feeling. The sloshing sounds of saliva echoed around Sam as Claire continued her mouthplay.

Claire Redfield: Before I swallow you, do you want to hang on my uvula?

Sammy: Sure, that sounds fun.

Sammy walked over to the swaying uvula at the entrance to Claire's throat. She jumped up and grabbed the uvula as hard as she could. Sam then began to swing back and forth on the uvula, laughing with utter joy. Sammy's joy spread like an infection to Claire, who began to do the same. As she laughed, Claire's uvula bounced up and down. This made it even more fun for Sammy to swing on the hanging mound of flesh.

Sammy: Wow, this is so much fun! Thanks for doing this Claire.

Claire Redfield: Don't mention it, Sam. Are ya ready to be swallowed?

Sammy: As I'll ever be.

Claire Redfield: Okay then, drop on in.

With that, Sammy let go of Claire's uvula and fell into her throat. Almost instinctively, Claire titled her head back slightly and swallowed the tiny girl with a soft, but loud "GULP!"

Immediately, Sammy felt a surge of pressure around her body as her guardian's throat muscles pulled her down.

Travelling down Claire's esophagus was an oddly pleasant sensation for Sammy. The rhythmic motions of the ever contracting muscle walls was like a massage, putting the little girl at ease. The squishes and squashes of the contractions was music to her ears, and the sound of Claire's heartbeat blasted right into Sam's ears as she passed the blood pumping organ.

Sammy: Wow, this feels amazing. I'm glad I allowed Claire to swallow me.

Eventually, Sammy felt the esophagus open below her, dropping her straight into Claire Redfield's gurgling and churning stomach. Sammy expected to fall into the digestive juices with a splash, but instead she fell onto a half digested chocolate bar. The bar swayed a bit in the stomach acid from the force of a tiny girl falling on it. As Sam steadied herself on the sweet candy float, she looked around Claire's mighty stomach. The walls twisted and flexed constantly, groans and gurgles echoed all around, alongside the sloshing of digesting food and stomach acid. Sam then heard the echoing boom of Claire moaning in pleasure. Sammy was astonished by what she was seeing.

Sammy: Wow! This is amazing.

Outside, Claire could sense Sam's entire journey into her body. When she felt the tiny girl fall into her gut, she patted her belly in delight.

Claire Redfield: Sam, I've gotta say you were an absolute treat to eat.

Sammy: Why thank you Claire, I'm glad you enjoyed me! Man, that feels weird to say out loud.

Claire Redfield: It sure does.

Claire rubbed her stomach in a motherly fashion as she walked up to a window and looked out into the abandoned city.

Claire Redfield: Well Sam, if there are any zombies left, I can confidently say that you'll be perfectly safe inside my stomach.

Sammy: You've got that right. Thanks for looking after me Claire!

Claire Redfield: Don't mention it Sam, it comes naturally.

And thus, Sammy resided happily inside Claire Redfield's nurturing stomach.


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