The Cheaters

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This plan of ours was months in the making, when everyone assumed we were taking a break from the pranking because I had blown everyone away.

It all started with George. I told him I had a huge secret that I didn't know how to tell Lee at the beginning of summer, four months before we set the rest of the prank in motion. It was easy to keep George interested in the secret without letting on what it was.

Then Fred and I started "sneaking around". We'd whisper to each other and give each other meaningful looks and always disappear together. We took that time to perfect our plan and make sure we could execute this perfectly. We wanted this to blow everyone's mind.

Lee and Angelina were getting concerned. Both Fred and I weren't acting like ourselves. When Angelina asked me if I knew anything I said no, and when Lee asked Fred he said he didn't have a clue. That's when we knew it was time for the next step.

Next I had to let Angelina in on my secret. I started by telling her I thought I might have a little crush on someone else and that I might have real feelings for him too. Then I let her find a "love letter" from my mystery friend in my sock drawer. I didn't want her to recognize Fred's handwriting so we used our one magical object on a Quick-Quotes Quill.

Dear Sin,

I know in my head what we feel for each other is wrong, but my heart says something else completely. I live for the secret moments we share. I hate that we have to act like we're nothing to each other when other people are around. All I can think about is you. You inhabit every thought in my mind. I love being with you and I wish I could have you all to myself. I know that right now that's impossible, but I'm holding on to the possibility that some day you will be all mine. I need to know that this isn't wishful thinking and that you feel the same way about me. We are both risking so much for this, and in my heart, I know it will turn out to be worth it.

Until next time, my love.

Angelina was shocked and insisted I tell Lee, but I promised her I'd end it instead. She didn't even think that it was someone she actually knew, like Fred. As the weeks passed, I continued to whisper with Fred, make George stress about what my secret was and tell Angelina I was trying to end things with my mystery man.

The next step in the plan involved Lee and Angelina finding another love letter, but this time in Fred's bag in my handwriting.

Dear Fred,

I know all the sneaking around is killing you, and it's killing me too. You are the only person I trust and feel safe with at the moment. Getting even closer to you like this has been amazing. I know that we probably shouldn't be keeping such a big secret and we should tell the others, but I cant bring myself to do it. I need you too much right now and I don't want to share you more than I already have to. I don't want to say I'm obsessed, but I've become insanely infatuated with you in a way I never thought I could be. Lying to Angelina and Lee isn't easy, but if it means that I get to spend even three seconds alone with you, it'll be worth it. Maybe what we're doing is wrong, but I don't care. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. Love you Freddie. You mean the world to me.

Love, Sin

I knew when they had found the letter, because Angelina looked sick and Lee looked as though he had been hit in the stomach. And when they told George, he looked guilty because he knew I had a secret the whole time. Fred and I reveled in this small victory.

They got weird around Fred and I. Angelina and Lee didn't even seem angry, they just seemed worried about losing us. For two weeks, no one brought it up, Fred and I were wondering if they would ever acknowledge it, and then Lee couldn't take it anymore. He had just caught Fred squeezing my hand.

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