Chapter 12

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Tsuchi Pov ( a month}

It had been a month since I became a member of Team Yuzumi and I've gotten closer to Kai and Yuzumi-sensei. But my relationship with Airi haven't made much progress, anytime I offer to help her with something she insults me instead.

Right now we where following Yuzumi-sensei to the old mans office for a new mission, I was walking in between Kai and Airi. Yuzumi-sensei knocks on the door and we hear a faint 'Come in.' The old man looks up from his papers, "Ah Team 13 hear for you next mission I see, you next mission is to babysit-!" I groan loudly throwing my head back, "Come on old man at least give us a C ranked mission."

Yuzumi-sensei punches me hard in the head, "What did I tell you about showing respect ya brat!" I hold my head in pain, "Oww Yuzumi-sensei how do you expect me to learn anything if you keep knocking it out of my head." The old man chuckles at us, "It's quiet alright Yuzumi I want to hear why Tsuchi thinks you all are ready for a C-ranked mission."

I rub my head a little bit more, "Our team work is getting better each day and our training is going good. But come on old man how do expect us to be ready for Chunin and Jonin ranked missions by just doing D-ranked missions? We've never been outside the village yet, we need real world experience."

He smiles at me then shuffles some papers around his desk before grabbing a scroll and holding it out to Yuzumi-sensei. "Fine I will give you this scroll that is to be delivered to a small village just north of here to a noble." I grin widely, "Yes finally thanks old man!" Yuzumi-sensei sighs, "Okay go home and pack for a week at most then meet by the gate in hour." She poofs into smoke and I follow her lead scaring Kushina-nee who was on the couch reading.

"Gah you baka what did I tell you about doing that in the house!" I smile sheepishly, "Gomen I'm just excided I have my first C-ranked mission." Her eyes widen and she jumps off the couch, "Wait then I'm helping you pack I need to make sure you have everything you need dattebane!" We rush around the apartment getting everything, Minato-nii got home and had to calm Kushina-nee down who was trying to make me take extra of everything in my scrolls.

After packing we head to the gate where Airi, Kai and Yuzumi-sensei where waiting, "Well about time tomato." I see and irk mark appear on Kushina-nee's head and laugh nervously, "Gomen I couldn't find my katana's..." Airi simply clicks her tongue and turns away, "You two really walked all the way over here."

Yuzumi-sensei ruffles my hair and I shove her hand away, "Just wanted to she Tsuchi off it's her first time out of the village since..." Kushina-nee looks down and I know she's thinking back to when I got kidnapped, I wrap my arms around her waist and smile up at her.

"No need to worry about me Kushina-nee I'll be just fine okay." She sighs and hugs me back squeezing me slightly, "Just be careful and keep your guard up it may be a C-ranked mission you never know what could happen." Minato-nii comes over resting a hand on my shoulder, "Tsuchi had training all her life Kushina I'm sure she will be fine. Plus she's with Yuzumi she'll be in good hands."

"Come on Tsuchi we have to go." I run over to my team and wave at them both before following them out the gate. 20 minutes into it the sensei speaks up, "All right so the village we are heading to is a small merchant village just 6 hours from here. We are going to deliver these scroll to one of the nobles of the village his name is Matanso and from I know he has a son around your ages."

It's silent for a few more minutes, "S-So Tsuchi who where those to people?" I look over at Kai who blushes a little, "Isn't obvious baka those where her parents." I glance at Airi who was right next then back at Kai, "There actually not my parents from what my Kaasan died a few minutes after giving birth to me and my Obaasan died holding the enemy shinobi back so his team could get back." I tighten my headband, "He gave this to one of them to give back to my Kaasan so she could give it to me when I became genin."

He looks down, "O-Oh sorry..." I shrug, "I can't change what happened to them I can only do is honor there memory and make them as proud as I can."

"So who are those people that where at the gate?" I raise a brow and look at Airi who quickly looks away from me.

"Not that I care..." I chuckle a little causing her to shove me kinda hard, I stumble but catch myself calming down a little. "That was Kushina Uzumaki a distant cousin but she's my Oneechan and then Minato-nii he's Kushina-nee's boyfriend. She took me in when my Obaasan died even when she didn't have to."

I pause for a moment, "I want you two know that since we are a team you guys are family to me now." Kai looks down smiling but Airi snorts, "Ya right just wait and see when push comes to shove you'd only look out for yourself. Like you the Senju princess of the Leaf would care about people like me and Kai."

Yuzumi-Sensei snorts a little, "Airi if Tsuchi is anything like her Oneesan then she's anything far from a princess." I smirk a little, even if she still doesn't believe me I'll just prove Airi wrong.

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