Chapter 11

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Tsuchi pov
I munch on an apple as I slowly make my way to the training grounds. Getting closer I hear shouting, "What are you doing here stupid Scarecrow!?" I see Airi glaring at Kakashi and Rin along with Kai looking nervously between the two. "Our sensei ordered us to meet here. So what are you two doing here exactly?"

"Our sensei ordered us here as well." I say with a sigh and throw my apple core away. All of there attention falls on me, but I don't pay any mind to Kakashi or Rin. "Airi, Kai let's come up with a plan." Airi scoffs, "And why would we even need a plan." I run my fingers threw my hair, "Because whatever Sensei has us doing its going to be tough. So we would have a better chance doing it together." Before she can say anything Kai speaks up quietly, "She's right Airi-chan we can come up with a plan to cover each others weaknesses." She grunts, "Fine whatever."

I look at Kakashi from the corner of my eyes and see him staring at me, longing in his eyes. I ignore the tug in my heart and motion for Airi and Kai to follow me away from them. We sit in a circle, "Let's go over our strengths and weaknesses, I'll go first. I'm strong in ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, medical ninjutsu and fuinjutsu. I really suck at genjutsu, I can identify one and release it. But I cannot cast one to save my life no matter how hard I try." Airi snorts and Kai laughs slightly, I roll my eyes at the two playfully. "Haha I know its funny you guys can laugh at me later. You go next Kai."

He clears his throat, "Well I'm really good at genjutsu and medical ninjutsu. My weaknesses are um.....everything else you're good at Tsuchi-chan." Kai looks at me nervously and all I do is smile, "Well it sounds like you can be the medic of our team Kai-kun. And I'll help you with taijutsu that way you can protect yourself." He grins and nods happily, "That would be great Tsuchi-chan. Its youre turn Airi-chan." She crosses her arms over her chest, "Well if you must know I'm amazing at ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu." She blushes a little, "Everything else I could work on if I'm honest...." I ponder all the information for a few minutes. "It sounds like you and me are going to be the heavy hitters of the team. And Kai you're going to be our support and heal us if we get hurt. Airi do you know you're chakra affiliations are?"

She nods, "Ya its lighting style why?" I smirk, "This is great so hears what we should do..." After going over everything and taking in there thoughts as well, we come up with a solid plan. Just in time for Yuzumi-sensei to show up with Minato-anki. We gather around them, "Morning guys I bet your wondering why both teams are here." Yuzumi-sensei looks at us expecting an answer but we just stare at her causing Minato-anki to sweat-drop. "Well we both decided to share these training grounds so....." I zone out, hmm I wonder if where going to do the bell test too. Sensei is friends with Minato and that her sensei is a pervert.  And I can really only thing of one perv-! "Ouch!!" I clench my head in pain and look up at a smiling Minato-anki.

"Pay attention Tsuchi. You're team is doing the test first while we wait for our third member." I rub my head with a pout, I just hope he doesn't tell Kushina-nee. I glare at Airi who was snickering at me. Yuzumi-sensei holds up two bells, "Its simple all you three have to do is get these bells from me." As soon as she says that Airi lanches at her just like we planned hehe. Kai rushes in trying to 'cover' her, "Wait Airi we should do it together." Before she can say anything, Yuzumi-sensei sends her back straight into Kai. They both groan in response and Yuzumi-sensei shakes her head, "Well that ended quickly I expected more from you two." She looks  at me with a smirk, "Come at me princess." My eye twitches and I pump chakra into the seal on my wrist. Her eyes flash with recognition as I level my katanas at her withmy own smirk. "Youre about to find out I'm not a princess the hard way sensei."

Chakra rushes threw my body and I appear right in front of a surprise Yuzumi-sensei. But as expected from an S-rank shinobi in the bingo book, she blocks it. "Woah you're fast I can't let my guard down with you." Just as I try to land a hit she grabs my wrist and send me rolling on the ground.  "Now Airi!" Yuzumi-sensei turns in alarm barely dodging Airi's fist. Before she can recover from the shock I rush back in, switching to taijutsu. Surprisingly for never training together our moves where in sync.

After a couple of minutes we both get sent back, "You two are certainly something else." Airi grins, "You haven't seen anything yet sensei!" I gather my chakra <--boar--dog--ram-->, "Water style: Ripping Torrent!" Airi does the same, "Lightning style: Lightning beast tracking fang!" Our jutsus combine and hit 'on target'.  "All right we did-!" I get pinned to the ground with a kunai at my neck. "I'm sure you're the master mind behind this. It was clever but I expected more from someone who trained with Mikoto-chan."

I laugh slightly, "You forgot sensei we're a three man squad." Bells jingle a few feet in front of us, Kai and Airi smiling at her. Yuzumi-sensei helps me stand with a proud smile on her face, "And that makes it official Team 13 starts missions tomorrow. Let's go get some ramen my treat." I cheer and drag my new teammates with me. I'm always hungry for ramen, Yuzumi-sensei is the best!

Kakashi POV
I watch Tsuchi leave dragging her teammates behind her, "Sugoi Tsuchi-chan is amazing!" I glare at Obito from from the corner of my eyes, how does he even know her? "So I see none of you guys notice then." We look at Minato-sensei confused, "Notice what sensei?" He smiles slightly at us, "Tsuchi was holding herself back. She only used one jutsu and did bring out her wood style." My eyes widen at the realization, "Her speed, the power behind her attacks even the way she dodges was different." Rin and Obito's widen, "But why would she do that Minato-sensei?"

He hums, "Well its just a guess but she I think wanted to make sure her teammates where covered if things had turned against them. And she probably knew that Yuzumi-sensei would want to take her out first. So they came up with a plan to use that to there advantage." I clench my fist, what are you trying show me Tsuchi.

(Time skip)

I follow silently behind Tsuchi as she leaves the market Area. She stops in her tracks and I hold my breath, then she disappears in blue flames. "What do you want Hatake?" I turn sharply and find Tsuchi standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I want to talk."

She sighs and motions for me to follow her, we walk side by side in silence. I look around slightly and notice where going to the Senju compound. "Hold on a second." Just outside the gate she bite her thumb and draws a complicated symbol in the ground. Before I can ask what it is she stands, "I had Minato-anki help me design a blood seal. There are still a lot of things here that needs to be protected." We come to a large lake that has a tree growing in the middle. She sits on the edge and I follow her example. It quiet for only a moment, "Why did you hold yourself back during  the exercise when you could have taken them yourself?"

She chuckles dryly, "You still don't get it do you. What would have been the point if I did everything myself? Just to show off and make them think I'm full of myself and to good to be on there team? As the 'Senju Princess' people already think I'd be snobby. So what better way to prove them wrong. Teamwork and friendship are more important to me than anything else on a mission Kakashi." I scoff at her and stand, "What's the point of teamwork and friendship if it just gets in the way of missions. That mission always takes top priority."

Tsuchi slowly stands, her eyes closed. "You're a fool Kakashi even a year later you've learned nothing." I stepped back unconsciously as her eyes open with no emotion, "I meant what I said Hatake about us not being friends until you lean what it truely means to carry The Will of Fire." She begins to walk away, "Your Tou-chan new the meaning few understand. I trust you can find your way out the compound." I clench my jaw tight trying to keep my emotions at bay. What does she mean true meaning, I don't understand.

Making my way home a wave of sadness hits me hard. I really miss you Tsuchi....even if you're annoying sometimes.

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