Chapter 20

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Tsuchi pov
Sadly for us it would at least take us 2 days to reach the Feudal Lords hidden estate. His whole family has been relocated here since the beginning of the war.

Lord Arata kept trying to flirt with me from his place between Airi, Kai and Yuzumi-sensei. And Kakashi's eye would twitch each time he said something. Part of me wants to believe he's jealous but the other part of me feels like he's just being protective. Right now we where setting up camp, I was just going to use my wood style.

But before the start of the mission Kushina-nee advised me against it. We never know who could be watching, and it could make me a target with how dangerous being outside the village is right now.

"A lady like you shouldn't be doing labor like this~." Lord Arata purrs over my shoulder, I roll my eyes as I stand.

"You goggles come do this work while I and my princess rest!" He tries to order Obito, "Oi I have a name and its Obito you prick!"

Before Lord Arata can say anything Kakashi walks right past us while grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him.


"We have to collect fireword." He mutters darkly as he pulls me into the woods around us. Once we're out of view he finally let's go of my arm. I sigh, "Okay Kashi what's up with you?" He walks around picking up fallen sticks, "What do you mean?"

I decide to start picking up a few too, "Ever since we started this mission you've seem more irritated. Especially when Arata tries to flirt with me your eye twitches a lot."

"I already told you I just don't like the guy." He sighs out, "Bullshit Kashi and you know it."

He stands still as I walk towards him and stand in front of him. He eyes watch my every move blankly, "You can tell me anything you know that right?" We stand there in silence and faster than I can comprehend I feel his covered mouth on my own.

I freeze in shock as he quickly pulls away, his face still close to my own. My face burning as I notice the tip of his ears had turned pink.

"I don't like how he talks to you and flirts with you okay." I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He backs away from me, I could see the visible smirk under his mask. Get walks around me his pile of sticks in hand, "Are you coming?" He begins to walk away and I snap out of it.

Holy shit, Kakashi Hatake just kissed me!?!

What the hell, how long has he liked me then! I look at his back as he walks in front of me as if nothing happened. So what does this mean exactly, I chew the inside of my cheek as well get back to camp.

Kakashi takes the firewood from me and begins setting it up.

Airi gives me a questionable look, "You okay?" I clear my throat slightly, "Y-Yea im fine."

I curse myself slightly, "Really Tsuchi your faces says otherwise." Yuzumi-sensei says clearly amused as she glances between me and Kakashi. Minato-sensei seems to pick up on it as well and his eye twitches once more.

He gives a strained smile, "Kakashi come with me I need your help real quick."

"Tsuchi I need your help as well." I follow Yuzumi-sensei out of the hearing range of the others. She sits on the ground and I follow her lead sitting across from her.

I pick at the grass, "Sooooo what's going on between you and Kakashi?" I could feel my cheeks heating up again, "Nothing we're just best friends."

"That's not what Kushina told me~." My head snaps up, "What she say?" Yuzumi-sensei shrugs, "Things but she betting on you and Kakashi getting married when your older."

"Married!?" I squeak out shooting up on my feet no doubt my face matching my hair color. She laughs standing up and putting her hand on my shoulder, "Don't think to much about it you guys are still young. And trust your gut about it, just be careful because Minato can be a bit over protective."

I rub my cheeks trying to calm down, "More than Kushina-nee and Mikoto-nee?" She snorts slightly, "When it comes to things like these oh yea. Poor Kakashi's probably getting threatened right now."

"We're still literal kids and our village is at war." She ruffles my hair, "Both are true but your important to us so will look after you no matter what. Now come on both you and Rin are taking first shift tonight."

I scrunch my nose up, "Really you guys are putting me with her she like hates my guts."

"I'm sure you can handle it."

(Small time skip nighttime)

Rin and I sit up in the trees hidden from view right above camp. It was nothing but awkward silence between us. I chew on my bottom lip slightly, "'ve you been?"

I ask awkwardly swinging my legs back and forth, "I've been good thanks for asking."

"Good good..." Nothing but awkward silence take over once more. Okay I can't take this anymore, "Why do you hate me?" I swing my legs around on the branch I was sitting on to face Rin fully.

She looks at me with a shock expression, "What?"

"Why do you hate me?" I say in a matter of fact tone, "I-I don't hate you." I frown slightly, "Then why do you glare at me and give me the stink eye each time I come around?" She pauses for a second, "Kakashi, when your around its like nothing else exists for him."

I can't help but get slightly angry, "You do all that just because Kakashi pays attention to me? If you want his attention maybe don't throw yourself at him and actually take your training seriously." Her face drops slightly and immediately guilt bubbles in me, "Im sorry that came out a lot harsher than I expected."

"No your right." I raise a brow at her determined expression, "I'll take my training more seriously and work harder to become stronger. Maybe then Kakashi will acknowledge me like he does with you. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you, can we start over?"

I stare at her for a second before sighing, "Yes we can start over but the second you seem like you hate me again I'm done trying to be nice okay."

"I won't let you down I promise."

I turn back around and lean back against the tree. I really hope you don't, maybe if you focus on your training now you'll survive the future....

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