Chapter 6

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Tsuchi Pov
It's been a week since the old man made me take that stupid test I wondered around the village aimlessly. He said I didn't have to go back to the academy which was weird. But hey I'm not complaining I have better things to do. It was grey outside meaning it would rain soon. I frown at this rain always makes me feel sad like the sky is crying for someone who has died.

Then these two shinobi sitting in the dango shop catch my attention. "So there actually giving that piece of trash a funeral." "I know right it's because of him we're getting thrown into another war." "Tch he left his son behind hope he doesn't turn out the same." My blood runs cold, there regarding someone as trash who started a war and left a son behind. Without thing I start running towards the cemetery just as it begins to rain. There I see a casket just sitting there alone like it was forgotten.

My eyes start to sting as I stare at the small picture next to it. How could I be so stupid and forget what's supposed to happen to Sakumo!!! Glancing around anger begins to replace my sadness. How dare they not give him the respect he deserves, he's a hero. Even Kakashi isn't here for his own fathers funereal well I'm not going to leave Sakumo here in the corner to be forgotten. Making seven wood clones I instructed them to pick up the casket. Being the skilled badass I am, I manage to get into the Senju compound. Looking around remembering all the times I would run around here playing with Tsunade when she wasn't busy. A shiver goes up my spine as the rain soaks my clothes making it cling to my small body.

But I have to finish this Sakumo deserves to be seen as a hero. Going into the backyard I smile fondly at the big oak tree me and Obaasan use to sit under and read. Finding the perfect place my clones set the casket down. Making the proper hand signs I gently touch the ground, "Earth expansion jutsu." The casket gets swallowed by the ground as I pump more charka into it. A headstone made of wood pops up with flowers on the sides of it. Taking a kunai I begin to carve into the wood.

Here lies Sakumo Hatake/ The white fang of the leaf. A true shinobi, father, friend, hero.

You are gone but never forgotten.

I look up at the sky and let the rain slide down my face. I won't forget you Sakumo you were a great man, my role model. Then I clench my tiny fist Kaskashi will hear my words that stupid Baka. I begin to walk away but not without glancing back at the headstone. I am going to try and be a true hero like you and don't worry I'll look out for the Baka even if were not friends after this.

Kakashi Pov
I lay down in my bed of my new apartment hokage-sama gave me. Listing to the rain as it hits against my window, then there's a bang on my door. Sighing I get up and slowly make my way to the door. Opening it my eyes widen in surprise at the red head whose soaked to the bone, "Tsuchi?"


My head snaps to the right a stinging in my left cheek. "How dare you Kakashi not showing up to your own Tou-San funeral." I look at her emotionless, "I do not associate myself with scum he broke the shinobi rules that man is not my father." It hurts to say that but if breaking the rules broke my father than I will follow them. Tsuchi laughs bitterly, "Will I guess were not friends anymore. I will not be friends with someone who will be a shinobi with no emotion. One who will leave there comrades just for a stupid mission to be complete. Sakumo Hatake is a hero in my book you don't even deserve to share the same last name. Goodbye Kakashi fine me when you learn what a true shinobi is."

With a swift movement of her hands she shunshin away leaving me staring outside we're she once stood. I close the door and go back to lay on my bed trying to ignore the stinging in my heart. Her words about Tou-San replying in my head, "Sakumo Hatake is a hero in my book." Something wet slides down the edge of my mask as I wipe it. "If only the rest of the village thought like you then my Tou-San would still be here." Looks like I lost more than my father I lost my best friend.

Hiruzen POV
I lean back in my chair watching the village as rain befalls it. "You wanted to see me hokage-sama." Turning around I face the one and only Mikoto Uchiha. A stunning women who is calm, collective, intelligent, thinks on her feet, gracefully but most importantly deadly. "Thank you for coming to see me Mikoto I'm sure you and Fugaku are busy with plans for your wedding."

She shakes her head, "Hokage-sama with all due respect I do not believe you just called me her to talk about my wedding." I chuckle a little, "You are correct my dear tell me do you know of Tsuchi Senju?" Mikoto laughs softly, "Hai hokage-sama she is the talk of the village the last Senju here who has the famous wood release. Not to mention when Kushina comes and visits me she just goes on about how stubborn, sarcastic, smart, tricky, adorable she is." I get serious and pull out the test I had Tsuchi take a week ago. Handing it over to her I watch her expression turn from curiosity to shock. "That is a test taken by Tsuchi herself, I watch her breeze by it in less than an hour."

She hands it back to me, "An IQ of 256 is higher than some of the Nara's. If I may ask Hokage-sama what does this have to do with me?" Leaning forward I cross my hands under my chin, "Sending Tsuchi to the academy will just be a waste of time. She is far to advanced for anyone her age even some older. Yes Kushina has been training her but I wish for Tsuchi not to act on impulse. I wish for her to learn how to make an intelligent plan at a moments notice. How to be graceful, well mannered, taught how to escape the most tricky genjutsu. I wish for you to become Tsuchi sensei until there is a fresh batch of genin ready to be sorted out for teams."

Silents passes over us as she thinks about what I just said then she bows. "I accept hokage-sama but." She stands tall and proud her sharingan blazing to life. "I will not go easy on her." I smile a little, "And I didn't expect any less from The Legendary Blackshadow of the Leaf."

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