Preference: Your daughter's first date (Emblem3)

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Keaton- Your oldest daughter had been going out for some time now, but now it was your youngest daughter's turn to date. Your oldest daughter, Beatrice, came home from college one weekend to help your youngest daughter, Molly, get ready for her date. Beatrice and Molly had been upstairs for 4 hours now, ah that brings back memories of when you and Keaton used to date. The front-door bell rang and Beatrice flew down the steps to open it. "Hello. You must be Molly's older sister,Beatrice. I have heard so much about you. I'm Carlos." "oh! So my younger sister does talk about me. :) Well, I will go get Molly. MOLLY! GET YOUR SEXY ASS DOWN HERE!" "Haha don't mind her. She's in college and still thinks she can yell everywhere. HI, I'm Y/N and this is my husband, Keaton. " Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs.Stromberg." Just then, Molly walks down the stairs, with Beatrice following her. "Wow. You look beautiful." Carlos' says. "Well, you kids have fun. Be Back at 10!" Beatrice says as she pushes them out the door. She shuts the door and and slides down the frame. "Ugh. They grow up so fast..." She says causing you and Keaton to burst out laughing.

Wesley-"Leah, make sure you don't let him take advantage of you and don't stay out past curfew and...don't even let him touch you!" Wesley tells his daughter, as she ties her shoes. "Dad," she sighs, rolling her emerald green eyes. "Wesley, come on, give her a break. Trust her judgement," you tell him, kissing his cheek. He nods slowly, snaking his arm around your waist. "I know, I do. I do trust you, Leah," he says honestly. "It's just...boys are pigs." You and Leah both shoot him a look. "'YOU'RE a boy," Leah says skeptically. "Exactly So, as I was saying," he sighs. "Just be good, okay? Be home by 12:30." Leah gives you both a hug as her phone buzzes, a text from her date. "Are you going to let us meet him, even?" you ask her, as she whips open the door, a red Chevy waiting at the end of the driveway. "Nope!" she chirps, waving and scampering away, her curls flowing behind her. "What if it's some guy with a ton of piercings and tattoos? Or a murderer? Or..." he shakes his head as the car pulls away, Leah and her date inside. "Wes!," you groan, leaning against his shoulder. "All right, all right. Just, that guy better not be an ass hole to my girl or I'll kill him!" he exclaims, shutting the door.   (Sorry about the shitty colors, I copied and pasted from an imagine i did a while ago on tumblr and i cant figure out how to get it back! :) xoxo -Rachel)

Drew- "Emily, you look beautiful, but you're not wearing that," Drew says sternly, giving his daughter's outfit a once-over. "But Dad--," she protests,flipping her dark curls over her shoulder. "But nothing, I'm hesitant to even let you go on a date with some lad, I'm not letting you go dressed like that," he sighs, raising his eyebrow. You shoot Emily a knowing look. Her outfit certainly isn't too appropriate--floral mini skirt, tank top and stilettos. "How about I help you pick an outfit? Maybe you can borrow a skirt from me....maybe one that's not so mini?" you offer, patting your daughter's shoulder. Drew shoots you a grateful look, he certainly doesn't want to make his daughter feel bad, but he's also very protective. "Fine," she sighs, following you back up stairs. The doorbell rings moments later and Drew answers, greeting the handsome young blonde with a smile. "I'm Brendon. Nice to meet you, Mr.Chadwick, Sir," the boy says nervously, shaking Drew's' hand. "Nice to meet you, Brendon. Now, take good care of my daughter and make sure she's home by 11:30 on the dot," Drew informs the younger boy, as you and your daughter get an outfit together upstairs. "Now, I'm a nice guy, but if you screw around with my baby girl I will not be a nice guy anymore, all right?" Brendon nods, blue eyes wide. "Cool. So, tell me about yourself," Drew says, his sweet and endearing smile returning to his face.

YAY! oh, i got it back well that was weird. um so yeah Idea credits to tumblr and if your wondering, the shitty colors were because i copied and pasted from and imagine i did a few weeks ago on Tumblr. :) Well. I'm going camping this weekend so I will not be on until Sunday, maybe tomorrow, but probably not :) anyways vote, subscribe,fan,comment, all that stuff :) xoxo-Rachel <3 

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