SlyfoxhoundxImmortalHD; Chapter 1

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Yo Homies! :D? Now it's time to get into some other things, such as, well I don't know... THE CREATURES? Yes, I am now writing a Fanfic of two of my favorites. xXSlyFoxHoundXx (Eddie) and ImmortalHD (Aleks). I just think, their a good couple... :D? Also, this is going to be a long chapter, just a heads up. :D



I woke up kind of quickly. I don't even think I slept thirty minutes.

I rubbed my sleep filled eyes. My vision was always blurry when I woke up. Just a thing that has happened to me sense a child.

"God Damn... Do I have school today?" I asked myself.

I put my hand down, only not feeling the bed, but feeling a mussely, but still flabby arm.

"What the fuck?" I asked. I'm not even old enough to sleep with people, and it was a guy to.

"Ow! Fuck, Aleks!" Hold on. I remember that voice.


"God Damn it Aleks! It's three in the fucking morning!" My friend Eddie said in anger. "What are you doing up this early?"

Wait, now I remember. I invited Eddie over, because we had to finish a project for school. We stayed up pretty late, and he didn't have his car to drive home, and mom said it was to late to leave and take him home. And Eddie has back problems, so he couldn't sleep on the couch, so we just decided to sleep in my bed. Thank God.

"I-It's fine. I just had a bad dream." I exhaled, remembering last night. "Sorry I woke you up."

He sighed. "It's fine. It just fucking hurt like hell."

"I guess I'll go take a shower..." I slumped out of the bed, and dragged my self to the bath room.

"I'm going back to bed then." Eddie said as I left.

I got undressed and hopped in the shower. The steam always made my vision come back, so I made it hot for a little bit, letting the steam come together.

When my vision came back, I decided to wash my curly locks. Okay, there not locks, but it's still my hair. I just used shampoo. I had to use mom's, I was all out of my brand. So now my hair smelled like coconut breeze. Lovely.

I scrubbed my body with my soap, thankfully I had mine. If I didn't, I would of had to use lavender.

I stepped out of the shower, hanging a towel loosely on my hips, and taking the other to dry my hair. I shook the towel back and forth, very quickly, making it a half dry, mess.

I slipped out of the bath room, noticing that Eddie was hooking up my Wii.

"Eddie, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh. I'm hooking it up, so we can do a Mario Cart race!" Eddie did his classic giggle that usually made girls faint.

"Come on! Let's play!" I said, running over to take my seat on the couch, but Eddie stopped me.

"Dude, you have a little problem there." He said, pointing down to my groin.

I looked down as well, noticing that I was still in my towel.

"That's right. I can't beat your ass without pants, can I?" I taunted.

"Well get your scrawny ass in some pants so we can start." He taunted back.

I laughed back at his comment, and quickly sped up to my room.

I grabbed my green sweats, that had a Creeper on the side. Okay, so I'm not a huge MineCraft fan, but I just thought they were cute when I bought them. Before putting those on, I grabbed a pair of checkered boxers and slipped those on, then my sweats. I grabbed my Transformers shirt and my checkered beanie and slipped those on as well. I ran in to the stairs, sliding down the rail, and falling into the living room.

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