SlyfoxhoundxImmortalHD; Chapter 3

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Hey guys! New chapter! This is where you fan-girl scream. :p I hope you guys like this one. Gonna be a long chapter, just a heads up.



I didn't want to call him, we would probably just sit there for hours not saying a word. He never answers my texts either, just through Facebook.

I flipped on my laptop, quickly typing in the password, as I remember it by heart.

I clicked the short cut for Facebook, noticing that I only had a few notifications. I'm not popular, as a 'Reject' as people would call me.

The only one of my friends that were on was my Aunt. Probably posting more photos of her cat.

I guessed that Eddie was still upset, not wanting to get on. Or just maybe he's playing MineCraft. He always plays when he's upset.

I frowned. I wanted to set things straight. I didn't want it to be weird between us. I fumed. I wanted to set things straight! I felt like throwing my computer at the wall, but I couldn't. I wasn't very built, my noodley arms, sticks compared to Eddies. His muscles, so...

Wait, what the hell am I talking about! God damn!

I decided to make the first move. I knew if I sent him a message, his phone would beep in Notification.

'Hia Eddie.' I sent him.

It took him at least three minutes to respond.

'Aleks! God damn! Are you alright?' he sent.

'Yeah. I'm fine. Are you okay?' I sent back.

'Me too. Eating pizza and playin minecraft.' I smirked. Always plays Minecraft.

'Pizza! I'm so jealous!' I sent back. I was jealous. All I had was a Poptart.

'I still have half a box left. Do you wanna come help me finish it?' Eddie messaged.

I had to think. Wouldn't it be God damn awkward between us?

'Sure. I'll be over soon.' I decided just to go over. Why not? We can make things less fucking awkward.

I hopped in my old pick-up and drove down to Eddie's place. He didn't live far.

I parked in the drive way and hesitated to get out. I flipped the key and took it out of the starter, making the truck's engine sputter to a stop.

"No fucking reason to go back." I said to myself as I slid out of the truck, slamming the door behind me.

I wore my long sleeve shirt, with a MineCraft Slime on the front. I ironed the design on my self, but I burned my finger in the process. I had black skinny jeans, black converse, and a blue bennie to top it off. I flat ironed my hair, making it less curly. I looked suitable, for a meet and greet with a friend.

I knocked on the door lightly. The door swung open as I saw Eddies mom in the door.

"Hello. I-I'm here to see Eddie." I stuttered.

"Eddie! Your Amigo is her!" She yelled, still standing at the door.

"Coming!" He yelled back down. He slid down the stairs. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the door.

"We'll be back mom!" He yelled as he slammed the door behind him.

"Eddie? What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Doing something that I need to do!" He yelled back as he tossed me into the passengers seat in my car. "Keys please." He held out his hand. I laid the keys in his hand and he jammed them in the start up. The motor puttered to a start and he drove off.

He drove for about 20 minutes. We drove up through the mountains, and into the forest.

"Eddie? Can I ask where the fuck we're going?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"You'll see, okay?" He flustered.

I put my hands over my mouth and yelled softly into my hands in anger. I got angry when people didn't tell me things. Hell. I'm a temper any way.

I rolled down the window, as my anger was wicked away. I know it sounds girly, but the fresh mountain air worked it's way to my face as Eddie sped. It cooled my face, and smelled very nice. The pine scent was wondrous to me, because I didn't get to go through the mountains a lot. I closed my eyes and let the wind fly my hair back. I had to hold on to my bennie so it didn't fly off.

When I wasn't expecting it, Eddie slammed on the breaks. I flew forward, stopping my self before I slammed into the edge of the window.

"What the fuck, bro!" I yelled as a pulled my head back in.

Eddie laughed at my anger. Without saying any thing, he slipped out of the car and hopped onto the hood, kind of like Spider Man.

I slipped out as well, shutting the door softly behind me.

"Come on." He said in a soft, caring tone. He extended his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up onto the hood. He scrambled up to the top of the cab as I did the same.

"So why are we out here?" I asked.

"I wanted to make things right." He said, letting out a breath of air I didn't know he was holding. I didn't think he knew he was holding it either.

I started to blush. "We're fine Eddie. I know you didn't mean to."

"Aleks. I-It wasn't... An accident..." He looked down at his feet.

"Well, I don't fucking care. It was a bet, and you won." I blushed even more. I wanted his lips on mine again. It felt so good when he... WHAT AM I SAYING?!

"Aleks... I got this for you as a sorry present." He reached in his pocket. He pulled out a small box. I opened it up, and saw a small Pikacu necklace. I flipped it on it's side and saw that it had magnets.

"What... What's this?" I asked, praising the necklace.

"It's... A friend ship necklace." He said as he reached down his shirt and took out his half. It was a small Ash, with the same magnets on the side. He took my half and locked it on to his.

I thought I was gonna cry. It was so sweet of him to do that. "Thank you Eddie." I took my half and jumped on him, ending in a large hug. I cried a little bit, leaving stains on his shirt.

"Aleks. Let's go home." Eddie said, as he pulled away from the hug. I looked up into his his deep brown eyes.

"O-Okay." I stuttered.

He picked me up bridal style. He hopped off, me still in his arms. I felt my face become flushed with red. He laid me into the passengers seat and drove home.


I hoped you liked this one! :D


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