SlyfoxhoundxImmortalHD; Chapter 11

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Aleks' POV;

Okay, so the ice-cream place thing was a little embarrassing, but you have no idea how awesome it was. Sure, we got a few fucked up stares from other people sitting at the tables, but it didn't matter. I was with Eddie, and he always does these weird and crazy things. It's his personality, and that's one of the reasons I love him.

After we finally finished the ice-cream, we hopped back into the car. Eddie drove, of course, like he always does. I don't get why he never lets me drive.

It's not like I'm complaining or anything. It just gives me one less thing I have to do.

As he drove, we talked, laughed, and sang the random songs that popped up on the radio, like we always do. Because we're dating doesn't mean that things are awkward between us. Things have actually got better between us now that we were dating.

Eddie drove us to a small lake in town. He hopped out first, waiting by the door for me to get out. He didn't grab a blanket or anything; he just grabbed my hand and drug me over to the sandyish shore. The place smelled like fish, but it was still a beautiful lake. Really cool flowers grew all around, and we sat right in-between them.

We sat in silence for a moment, taking in the calmness of the lake, and being in each other's company. Our silences were never awkward. They always came at the right place and at the right time.

I was the one that finally broke the silence. " this like a date or something?"

Eddie smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, butthead. Why would I just drag you from ice-cream to go a lake?"

I smiled back and shook my head. "I don't know. Lakes are cool, I guess."

"Yeah. My granddad would take me places like this all the time. My mom and dad actually met at a lake," Eddie looked over to me and gave a small grin. "I mean, that doesn't really mean anything. I just thought that was kinda romantic."

"Totally. This has been a great date, babe."

Eddie gave a large, toothy smile, and giggled. "Getting better on the dude thing already?"

I nodded. I would try to get better at calling Eddie babe, and try not to call my other friends babe. That would be awkward.

We sat in silence once more, my eyes finding their way to stare down at my shoes. I think Eddie gave me these for my birthday last year. I can't believe they still fit.

"What do you think we're gonna do after we get out of high school?"

I looked over to Eddie, and he was simply staring out past the lake. He looked like he was thinking about my question, going over every possible outcome, seeing if he could pick the best one, the one that would make us both happy.

The truth was, I was already happy.

He smiled and looked over to me, and I could see the shine in his eye.

"We could do anything. We could go to other states, other countries. We can visit places we've always dreamed off. We could play video games for a living. How cool would that be?" He rambled on, picturing everything that could happen.

I pictured all of these things to. And as long as we did all of these things together, I bet we would both be happy.

No matter what.


Not dead guys. Promice!


What is your ideal date? Were would you like to go with that special someone?

A scedual will be made soon, so the updates should be better soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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