When We Were 17

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A/n: In this story it will switch between Wilbur's and Your perspective, also instead of a name I'm going to use y/n. :) hope you enjoy

Wilburs Pov

       Alarm blared in my ears causing my ear drums to ring. I slowly opened my eyes and smacked the beside table until the damned thing shut up. I looked over at it the time reading 7:30am. Oh fuck this. I roll over wanting to fall back asleep but knowing my boss would be pissed. I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram scrolling through my feed until I came across a picture of my best friend and her new boyfriend. 'Fucking Jared' I though and rolled my eyes. I tried to be happy for her and act normal around her but their relationship was slowly killing me inside. Y/n had always been mine. Not in a romantic way but you were my best friend and the girl I loved the most, but you never knew that. Until Jared, fucking Jared. I hated him, his muscles, the way he dressed, the way he spoke, the way he made you smile, the way he looked at you. I hated his existence more than the racoons digging in my garbage bin, and my boss yelling at me. Speaking off boss I should probably get ready. I rolled out of bed and dragged myself over to my closet. I worked a boring ass 9-5 office job and my boss hated my guts. He always found ways to torment me, whether it was making me run coffee arrends even though he had a fucking assistant! God it had only been five minutes since I woke up and I was already pissy. This day was going to be fun.

Y/n's Pov

     You woke up next to your boyfriend, Jared, who had spent the night last night. He was cuddling you, in the spooning position. You smiled trucking a piece of his messy bed head away from his face. His eyes fluttered open and he smirked the first thing he woke up seeing being you in all. He pecked you on the lips and in a rough and deeps morning voice croaked out a,"Mornin Baby."

     "Good Morning," you beamed back, happy to be wrapped in your boyfriends presence. You couldn't help your thoughts though, they immediately made up situations of what you'd be doing if it had been Wilbur. He would smile at you and say something cheesy and you would both laugh until you cried. Your smile got wider at the thought. What if Wilbur had kissed you just like Jared had? Would you have liked that more? You quickly pushed those thoughts as far back in your mind as you could get them. You had a boyfriend, and Wilbur is your childhood best friend, nothing more nothing less. He knows everything about me, he's been through everything with me, it would never work anyways.

     "What's on your mind baby?" Jared asked me as I rolled out of bed and over to my closet to pick out something to change into.

     "Just how great it is waking up to you every morning," I lied and gave him a wide fake smile before turning back to my closet. Dont get me wrong, Jared is great, I love Jared. I think. He just moved in with me, something we had been planning for a month or two now, let me just say Wilbur was not fond of the idea but Jared convinced me. In fact I don't think Wilbur was ever fond of Jared anything. He had never been very nice to my previous boyfriends but. The more serious Jared and I got the more off board Wilbur became. I always shook it off as, he's your best friend he's just looking out for you or he's just trying to protect you but I had a feeling that it might be something more. Of course I was never going to act on that feeling. I was perfectly content with Jared. I think.

     "I'm so happy we moved in together!" He exclaimed wrapping his hand around my waist and peering over me and into my closet.

    "What should I wear?" I hummed.

     "This?" He pointed to a withe tank top button down crop top,"Maybe jeans."
     I agreed and pulled the shirt down and grabbed some jeans from my drawer, walking into the bathroom to get ready.

     "You streaming today baby?" Jared called from our bedroom.

     "Yeah tonight at 7 but first I'm going to run by Wilburs work on his lunch break and bring him his favorite meal, he's had it rough lately." I yelled back and Jared came into the bathroom almost immediately after I said his name.

     "Don't you think you spend to much time with him?" He asked the anger in his voice very obvious without him having to raise it.

     "He's my best friend and has been since we were 5 Jared," I glared at him while continuing my makeup in the mirror.

     "Yeah well I'm your Boyfriend you need to be spending all your time with me," he grunted staring at me intensely.

     "I know Jared, but I balance my time with you and him fairly well, and it usually ends with me not seeing him for a week or two but instead being with you," I snapped back at him.

     "Are you cheating on me with him?" He questioned.

     "Are you fucking serious?! Of course I'm not he's my best fucking friend! Get over yourself." I shouted at him.

     "Your such a fucking liar, I see the way you two look at each other!" He screamed back.

     "I've told you a millon time baby, he. Is. My. Best. Friend." I looked at him. Taking my attention away from the makeup.

     "And. I. Don't. Believe. Your. Lying. was. One. Fucking. Bit." He spat.

     I stormed out pushing my way past him and throwing some clothes in my bag. "Where the fuck do you think your going?" He asked, still shouting a bit.

     "Some where you arent until you chill the fuck out." I turned and left slamming the door and getting into my car crying. I turned my car on and called the only person who I knew would answer.


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