What the Hell

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     TW: arguing, name calling, verbal and mention of physical abuse.

     Wilburs pov

     "What the Hell Jared!" I heard Y/n yell from the other room.

     "This is bullshit!" He yelled back, "You shouldn't be only hanging out with guys, I already let you hang out with that man whore Wilbur now your just being a Slut!"

     My heart pounded as I heard her sob, she didn't deserve this. This was my fault.

     Just as I walked in I saw Jared about to hit her. I rushed over and stopped his fist before it touched her.

     "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Jared screamed even louder. I could hear Y/n sobbing behind me.

     I twisted his fist and held it behind his back. He may have more muscle but I have the high ground.

     "Saving my best friend," I said and pushed his arm up.

     I glaced over to her set up. It was completely smashed. Her monitor was thrown across the room and everything was ruined.

     "Y/n call the cops," I said and she rushed for her phone; her hands shaking like crazy.

     "My- my boyfriend just tried to hit me," she stuttered causing me to want to hold onto her and sob with her.

    I had a good hold on Jared as she hung up her phone and shut us out of her room.

     "You'll wish you hadn't done this." Jared grunted, trying to wiggle his way out of my grasp.

     "Your pathetic," I responded, not an ounce of guilt anywhere.

     The cops pulled up and took Jared away, they quickly jotted down what had happened and pulled away.

     "Y/n?"I asked and lightly tapped on her door.

     "Will," she whimpered, swinging open the door and jumping into my arms.

     "I am so sorry, y/n/n," I squeezed her back and held her for as long as she would let me. "He doesn't deserve you."

     "I know Wilbur, thank you," She whispered and played with the back of my hair.

     "I'll always love you and be here for you."

     "I know Willy me too."

Y/n's pov

     After Jared's outburst he called me from the police station and I broke up with him. Wilbur and I watched Netflix on the couch and ate a lot. Wilbur ordered a bunch of food from Uber eats and we pigged out all night. We laughed and made jokes. His smile, I enjoyed it way more than a best friend should. Same with his laugh, and the way his face crinkled when he did laugh. I enjoyed everything about him.

    "Take a picture it will last longer," he giggled and I noticed I was staring.

     "Sorry," I looked down to try and hide my flushed face.

     "Hey, down be sorry," he giggled and leaned over to lift my face up.

     I blushed even harder at this. I didn't think the growing pit of butterflies in my stomach could get any bigger but it did.

     He pulled away and we both laughed it off.

     By the end of the night we ended up at Wilbur's house playing super smash bros on the switch I brought to set up. I was whipping his ass considering we gad play 7 games and I won every time.

     "This is total BS," he yelled tossing down the controller after losing the 8th game, "There is no way your not cheating." He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to me.

     "No your just shit at games," I giggled tossing my controller next to his and facing him as well.

     "I don't think so, " he chuckled and looked down at the blankets that were carelessly thrown around us, pouting.

     "Is Willy sad because he got his ass beat by a girl?" I giggled and lifted his chin up to face me.

    "No-" He muttered out as his face turned red, "You didn't beat me that bad."

     "Will, you lost every round, you couldn't have lost any worse," I giggled not realizing I was still holding his chin.

     I let my eyes wander around him. His hair, and the way it always sat perfectly on his head, barley reaching around his face and framing it perfectly. His brown eyes the way the dimmed lights lightly glistened off of them, his nose, and then his lips. I wondered what they would feel like. I wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. I wondered what he would taste like. I quickly washed those thought out of my mind. He was my best friend, he is my best friend, I cant think about things like that. I wondered what he was thinking about, if it was anywhere near what I was.

Wilbur's Pov

     I took in her features and then watched her take in mine. She was perfect. I've jokingly lightly flirted with her before, I've liked her since we were 18.

     I watched her stare at my lips and I could tell what she was thinking. She shook her head, clearly trying not to have those thoughts. I had stopped trying a long time ago.

     She was still holding my chin, so I cupped her face and she let me. My hands were huge compared to her face. I ran my thumb over her bottom lip and looked her in the eyes.

     "What would you do if I kissed you?"I blurted out but before I could apologize she brought her face to mine and repeated the eye contact.

     "I guess I would prolly kiss you back," When I heard this I could barley contain my emotions. My heart fluttered and I closed the gap between our faces and moved my hands to her waist. I could feel her melt into the kiss, as I did and she repositioned herself to straddle my legs that were hanging off the couch with my feet planted on the floor.

     She tangled her hands in my hair moving them between my neck and my hair. She pulled away; us both out of breath before she pulled me into a much more passionate, needy kiss. I licked her bottom lip and gently bit it so she would let me in and she let out a small whimper.

     This was all I ever wanted. I wanted her, for her to be mine and vise-virsa. Now I had her, for fucks sake I was sitting on the couch making out with her, and I couldn't be happier.

     I kept exploring her mouth, she tasted like candy floss and tea. I intertwined our tounges, dominating her mouth as she continued to let out small noises that were slowly making me crazy.

     I pulled away and tucked a few pieces of her hair behind her ear. "Your going to make me go insane," I whispered in her ears and I felt her shiver.

    I loved it, she seemed to be waiting on my every move, making sure that she was doing everything alright.

    "I can't even begin to explain how much I've wanted to do that," she puffed, gently twisting my curls in-between her fingers.
     I nodded and chuckled, silently agreeing with her.

    "Movie and cuddles?" She asked, letting herself fall beside me.

     I pulled her close not wanting to let her go and she rested her head on my chest, "Of course." I smiled down at her and put on The Greatest Showman, one of her favorite movies.

     Before long I heard her soft snores and I gently rubbing circles on her back and slouching down to get comfy and fall asleep as well.

Word Count: 1264

          A/n: I know it seems rushed but I want it to be a short story, maybe 10 to 15 Chapters.

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