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"DAMN I'm hungry" you say walking towards the fridge." I thinking cereal"you get a bowl out of the cabinet and pour some Captain crunch and go towards the refrigerator to get the milk. You pour the milk in your bowl and walk to the table to start eating. As you're eating you smell something and realize that the milk is expired and runs to the restroom to throw up." Fuck now imma have food poisoning I might as well go to the store" you say grabbing your keys and walking out.

You walk inside the store and picks up a few things. "Damn Imma just have to borrow then"you say putting the items inside your jacket and purse. As you're doing that a girl your age walks up to you and asked "are you stealing?" "Umm excuse me" you say confused. "Don't worry" she says opening her jacket with different items hidden inside " I'm low on cash too" she says. My Bitch!!! You say laughing and she start laughing too. Hey I'm "Debbie Gallagher". "Aaliyah Johnson" you say.

*Are you from around here?" Debbie ask as y'all walk out the store. "Yeah I live like two blocks away from here you?"" Yeah I live around the corner" Debbie says. Y'all continue to walk and talk to each other. 10 minutes later "hey you hungry?"Debbie asked. "Like a motherfucker"you say. Come on to my house "my big sister is cooking dinner for the family tonight".

"But we just met isn't it going to be a little weird  bringing somebody you just met to your house?"
You ask confused. "Oh trust me my family won't mind" Debbie says

30 minutes later yall arrive to her house and walk inside. "Fiona I'm back" Debbie says dropping the bags at the table. Finally, oh hey who's your new friend. Fiona says. Hi I'm Aaliyah Johnson.
Fiona Gallagher Debbie's older sister. "Nice to meet you" you say "same to you" Fiona says

"The food is almost ready y'all can go upstairs or sit on the couch until it's ready" Fiona says. You and Debbie go upstairs to talk

An hour later
FOOD'S READY!! Fiona yells from downstairs. You and Debbie walked downstairs and sit at the table. As you sit down you see for four boys sitting down at the table. "Who's this Debbie" the redheaded boy says."Yeah who is this" a blue eyed boys says looking you up and down scooting his chair next to you.

"Hey I was going to sit there" Debbie says. "Sit somewhere else I'm trying to get to know this fine woman right here" he says. "Ugh" Debbie says sitting on the other side of the table. "I'm Aaliyah Johnson Debbie's friend and y'all must be her brothers" "Yep"the boy who looks like the older brother" I'm lip"I'm Ian and this is our little brother Liam" points to the little guy at the table" and I'm Carl the most handsomest brother.

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