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"Well, I have to get back home I have some things to take care of," Fiona says grabbing her purse. "Come on everyone let's leave them alone," Fiona says. " Oh, I'm coming too," you say to Fiona. "What you're not going to stay with me," Carl says surprised.

"Nope you staying here by yourself," you say looking around for your jacket. "Why??" Carl asks.
"Because of that shit you just pulled, "you say. "But I don't like hospitals," Carl says scared. "You should have thought of that before you did all this." "Oh and Carl don't even think about getting nun of this when you get out", You say walking out the door.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Debbie says covering her mouth. "What I do," You say with your hands up. "You were talking about sex" lip says looking at you. "I was not and you better shh before Liam hears-" "SEX!!! SEX!!! SEX!!!" Liam chants walking back and forth through the hallway. "Omg see what you did using such foul language in front of a child," you say shaking your head. "I wouldn't have to talk about sEx" lip whispers if you didn't bring up the part about Carl not getting nun.

"But did I say sex though hmmm, you could have said " love " but you chose to say sex," you say raising an eyebrow?" Let's just go, we can't take y'all anywhere." Ian says shaking his head. "Come on Liam," Debbie says grabbing his hand. "SEX SEX SEX," Liam said. "Hey, Liam I'll tell your big brother lip to buy you anything you want at the store if you stop saying that" you say to Liam. "DEAL!!" Liam says.

"No no I'm not," lip says looking confused. "Yes, he will" you whisper to Liam.


30 min
Y'all arrive home. "Hey, Debbie can I talk to you," you say. "Yeah," Debbie says. Y'all walk upstairs and go to Debbie's room and close the door." Have you told them yet?" You ask. "No not yet," Debbie says." What about the baby's father." "Yeah, I was just going to go today to tell him," Debbie says.

"You want me to come with you you say" "Yeah I'm going to head out now though," she says grabbing her keys." Yeah let me just use the restroom first," you say walking out. "All right just meet me outside," Debbie says from her room.

5 minutes later you come out of the restroom and get in the car with Debbie. Y'all arrive at a house.

"You want me to stay in the car," you ask. "Yeah, you can if you want," Debbie says. "Okay" Debbie gets out and walks up to the door and knocks.

"Hello can I help you??" a woman with brown hair says. "Yes is Derek here," Debbie says looking nervous. "Umm yes and who are you," the lady says looking confused. "I'm Debbie, Debbie Gallagher." "Gallagher huh??" the lady says with a nasty look on her face.

"Yea what's your name," Debbie says. "Tanya, Derek's sister-in-law," she says. "Well nice to meet you," Debbie says. "Mhm imma go get Derek," she says.
A few minutes later a tall man comes to the front door" "Debbie??" Derek says. "What are you doing here," he says confused.

"I have to tell you something," Debbie says looking at the ground. "Okay what," he says folding his arms. "I'm pregnant," Debbie says holding her stomach. "Okay, what you telling me for," Derek says scratching his eyebrows. "It's yours dumbass" Debbie says rolling her eyes.

"Really Debbie," he says angrily. "What," Debbie says." You really came all this way and made up a lie just because I broke it off with you" he says laughing. " I'm for real" Debbie says angrily. "LEAVE" he yells at Debbie. "But- " " You heard him get the Fuck off our property," Tanya says coming from the kitchen.

"No I'm not leaving until you listen to me," Debbie says. Derek gets angry and pushes Debbie out of the doorway and slams the door.

Aaliyah's POV
You were tired from everything that happened earlier so you were dozing off until you heard Debbie scream as you see some man push her and slam the door. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" You say getting out of the car and running up to Debbie.

Are you all right you asked Debbie to help her up. "Yeah, I'm all right let's just go," Debbie says crying. " NO FUCK THAT!!" you say pounding on the door. "Didn't I tell you to leave?" Derek says opening the door. " BITCH WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU PUSH HER, IT DON'T MATTER IF YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS LYING YOU DON'T PUT YOUR HANDS ON NO FEMALE," you say as you're on top of Derek hitting him with all your strength.

Tanya comes out and takes you off of Derek and punches you in your face. "Don't put yo hands on him" Tanya says on top of you. You manage to flip over and get some hits in just before you hear sirens.

You get off of Tanya and you and Debbie get in the car. "You didn't have to do that," Debbie says driving " Yeah I did he was never going to learn his lesson," you say out of breath. "Well thanks," Debbie says. "You... Your... Welco- " you say as you pass out. "Aaliyah... AALIYAH" Debbie says stopping the car.

Aaliyah she calls out one more time with no response. She drives off and heads to the hospital where they take you out of the car and put you in a stretcher. "What happened?" the doctor says to Debbie taking you inside. "We were coming from my ex-boyfriend's house and she just fell out while I was driving" Debbie says.

1 hour later the doctor comes out. "Is she ok?" Debbie says in a worried tone. "Oh yes she's fine" the doctor says smiling. "So what happened" Debbie asks folding her arms. "Let's talk in the room shall we" the doctor says tapping Debbie's shoulder.

The doctor and Debbie walk in the room as your lying down. "Ok so why did I pass out" you ask the doctor. You just had to much stress on your body causing you to pass out. "Oh thank God that's it" you say relieved." Yeah no worries the babies are fine" the doctor says.

"Excuse Me What!!" You say sitting up. "And did you say BABIES as in more than one". Debbie asks.

"Yeah your pregnant with twins" the doctor says.

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