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You get away from him and start walking when you get out of breath. What The FUCK IS GOING ON TODAY!! You say.

"Carl!!" Fiona says fanning him with an envelope. "What happened" lip asked. "Where's Aaliyah" Debbie said. "I don't know her father came here looking for her and the next thing I know I'm being knocked upside the head with a pistol."Carl says holding his head.

We got to go find her Debbie says. She can be anywhere in the world right about now we just need to sit here and think. "FUCK A THINK FIONA I'M GOING TO GO LOOK FOR HER NOW." Carl says standing up and walking outside.

"So what are we going to do" Ian says. "I don't know all we can do is wait and see if she comes back." Fiona says folding her arms.

Aaliyah's Pov

As you're walking you see a nearby cafe so you go in and get you something to eat because you haven't ate all day. After you go outside and walk a few more blocks down you notice that you're in a familiar neighborhood. Then you see the Gallagher house so you run inside.

"AALIYAH!!" Debbie says running up to you and giving you a hug. "What happened" Fiona says.
"I would like to tell yall but I'm really exhausted right now so can I tell yall in the morning." You say sitting on the couch. "Sure "Fiona says. "Hey where's Carl " you say looking around.

"He left a while ago to find you I guess we should call him and let him know you're safe" Ian says.

Ian calls Carl and it goes straight to voicemail. "Voicemail" Ian says.

Carl's pov

"I know one thing for sure he better not lay a hand on her" Carl says to his self looking around the corner while at a red light. "Oh shit the lights green" Carl says as he speeds off. "Fuck someones calling me" he reaches down and grabs his phone off the floor and looks up.


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