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"Father. I'm going out-"

"Why do you keep going out and come back very late? Are you seeing someone?"

".... You could say that"

"You better bring someone by the end of this month or I'm-"

"Okay! Okay! Yes father! Can you stop saying that? My ear going to bleed if you keep repeating that word over and over again"

"I'm just reminding you , young man"

"Yes father... I'm going now"


While on his way to the field , Chan saw Minho white horse at the decent cabin

"Oh look. That's Yuri. I guess he's here?"

Chan get off his horse and let it stay with Yuri. Even horse have a better relationship than you

He then walked to the door and knocked it. Waiting for a few second until Minho finally open it

"Oh prince! Come in. What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see you , flower"

Minho can feel his cheeks heating up by the sudden nickname. Damn that prince know how to flirt

Where did he learn how to flirt tho? On YouTube? Did he try it on his puppy or something?

"O-oh... Uhm.... Why?"

"Just because"

The prince then stepped inside and walked around. There's a lot of photos hanging on the walls... And it's mostly his cats and Yuri but what catches his eyes the most was the medium sized frame on the wall

It was Minho with another man

Minho looked so happy in the picture

"Who is he?"

But Minho didn't answered his question

"Oh. I'm sorry. You don't have to answer me if you're not comfortable talking about it"

"... One day I'll tell you"

Minho gave the prince a weak smile before passing the fruit salad to the prince

"Go on. Try it. It's really good. Felix's favourite when he's pregnant to Miyeon"

Chan looked at Minho confusedly. He was honestly shocked when he heard about Felix

"He's pregnant? Is that possible?"

"He's a carrier"
- a/n at least in this ff world-

"Oh wow. I never heard about this before"

"What has the teacher been teaching you all these time? How babies are made? Photosynthesis?"

"... I sleep in class"

The prince confessed

"Sounds like something I would do"

Minho giggled softly. He then got up to get some water for the prince

Damn Chan could hear that little giggle for the rest of his life if he wanted to. That giggle literally sounds like an angel to him

"Sooo... Why are you not in the forest today?"

"Mmh. I just feels like staying home today"

Chan hummed in response. Actually he was curious about something

How can Minho live here without getting bored? There's no people to talk to if Felix , Jisung , Miyeon and Jeongin didn't came to visit him. There's also no signal here. There's literally nothing he could do here. It was surrounded with trees and a river

"So Minho. What did you do to have fun? Do you... Talk with your horse and kitties?"

"Who doesn't talk to their animals? And I go to the capital city if I was bored. There's this one café that I love so much! The owner is very kind to me too! We should definitely go there someday together"

Look at that smile... Brighter than everything in this world..

"Yeah we should. What's the name of the cafe?"

"Dandelion café! The owner is a married couple. Seungmin and.... What's his husband name again?... Chang.. Changbin maybe? If I'm not wrong"

And after that , an awkward silence approached them. Non of them said anything until Minho broke the silent

"So... Wanna see my bedroom?"

".... Okay?"

"Come on. We got nothing to do here. Make yourself at home Prince. Just make sure you don't broke anything"

The prince then got up before walking around once again. He only saw two rooms and a stairs to the next floor

I thought this is just a small boring cabin...

He went upstairs and saw a bed and some other things like closet , bookshelf and a table. Classy.

"Maybe he sleeps here"

He then goes downstairs again before going inside one of the room. Turn out it was a bathroom so he closed the door and walked over to the last room

He twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open until he saw a small pink crib and baby stuff

Oh he had a daughter! Why didn't he tell me tho...

"That's my daughter room. Her name is Minsoo"

Chan turned to looked at Minho. He looked directly inside his eyes and only saw sadness and emptiness with a glimpse of anger

What exactly happen to you back then Minho?


I'm back maybe?

♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡ {Minchan Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now