ßpéçîàl çhãptêr {2}

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This is one year later and if you're uncomfortable with mpreg Pls kindly leave :)


A ray of sunshine shine through the curtains gap

Minho stirred around and sneak his arms around his sleeping husband

"Mmh Chan? Are you awake?"

"Yeah. You should too sleepy head. Wash your face then we can eat together with Hyunjin and Innie"

Minho pouted as he rubbed his eyes tiredly

"Where's Minsoo?"

"She's right here"

Chan lifted up the blankets revealing their little daughter who happily sucking on her pacifier

"You cover her with blankets?! What if she can't breathe there?! Chan!"

Chan giggled softly when he saw how freaked out Minho was when it come to their daughter

Little Minsoo was 9 months now and Minho love her more than anything

Well of course he love his husband as much as he love their daughter

"She's fine flower. Lets go"

Chan lifted up little Minsoo. The pacifier in Minsoo mouth a little while ago fell on Chan face

"Oh princess"

He giggled before attacking her with kisses

Minsoo was perfect. She came a lot after Minho. Her long eye lashes , cat like eye and pointy nose. She's the most beautiful girl in the entire world and Chan can guarantee that

"Chan. I don't feel so good"

Minho said weakly. The king turned to him worriedly. He placed his daughter down and quickly ran over to him

"What's wrong? Is it hurting that bad? Where does it hurt? Want me to call the doctor? Do you feel dizzy right now-"

"Chan calm down! It's just..."

Minho held his head and fell on Chan

Chan catched him before his body hit the ground

"Fuck! Minho wake up! Someone help-"

Just when Chan shouted for help , Minho started laughing

"Oh my god Chan! You should look at your face. It's hilarious"

Chan looked at him in disbelief. He wanted to scold him for scaring him like that but ended up laughing with him

"Minho! What was that for?!"

"I wanna show you this"

Minho held up the pregnancy test that said positive on it

Chan jaw dropped when he saw the test in Minho hand

♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡ {Minchan Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now