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"Do I have to-"

"No. For the 100th time this day Minho. No. I won't force you to stay at the palace. I don't mind if you want to stay at your little cozy cabin"

Minho nodded but it somehow felt unfair. He's going to be the next queen so he had to do something for the people. The kingdom and for Chan...

Not staying inside the forest forever....

"But Chan... I , at least , have to help you with something. Like.... You know? Helping you with the kingdom. Going to a very boring ceremony with you. What else? There's a lot of things a ruler need to do... I don't want you to do it all alone.. isn't that too unfair for you?"

Chan let out a soft chuckle

"Min. I know you're not ready to become a queen. Let me be honest. No one is. You're just a boy who live in a forest and then boom! You're a queen. If I was at your place I would freak out and run away"

"Oh I'm thinking about running away yesterday"

"Min! That's not funny"

"Well it is to me haha"

"I can't believe you..."


"Min~ it's here! Look!"

Chan held up the white and gold Tux and showed it to Minho

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Minho stared at the tux and nodded

"It's beautiful prince..."

"You don't sound happy at all..."

Minho whipped his head to the price and gave him a reassuring smile

"I... No prince. I am happy.. just a little nervous you know?"

"Min. We can postpone this marriage if you want to. I want you to be happy when the times come. If there's anything you want to tell me then go ahead. I'll listen"

Minho sat on the chair and stared at the prince for a moment until he opened his mouth to talk again

"... Wanna hear a story?"

"What story?"

"About a normal guy who lost half of his life in one second... It's a very sad story but I promise the ending is beautiful"

Chan sat down on the floor and looked up at Minho like a little child waiting for his mommy to tell him a story

"Sound interesting"

Minho giggled softly and continued

"So.. there's a guy who live in the city like other people do. He have a very lovely husband. One day , god decide to give him a present. Not just a normal present but a very beautiful one. A small little baby. They're more than happy to know that they're going to be a parent but life is not all about rainbow and sunshine... He has a very weak body and the doctors said that the chances that the baby will survive is very low.. but that didn't stop them from loving their little bubby. The pregnancy was hard for both of them. Constantly going to the doctors.. having to take medicine everyday.. but in the end... Nothing changes. 9 months later , he delivered his sweet little baby girl. They're very happy to hold her in their arms. Kiss her. Hug her. Feed her. Give her a name. But that didn't last long. Little sweetpea need to sleep... and after a few days so does her daddy and the guy was left alone in this cruel world..."

At this point , Minho was tearing up but quickly blinked the tears away. He don't want to cry in front of the prince

"3 years passed. He still locked his heart. Not opening it to anyone. Never let anyone enter his heart. He swear he won't open up to anyone again but that changes after he met someone. That someone make him love again. Make him realize that loving someone again won't hurt you. Make him realize that there's still a small amount of beautiful things left in this world for him. So prince... Thank you so much for coming into my life. Because of you I am ready to love again"

The prince was shocked and confused. Why was Minho thanking him all of the sudden?

"So... That story.."

"That's me. The one and only Lee Minho"

The prince can see through Minho. He can see how he hide everything under that beautiful smile of his. He can see how desperate Minho was to be loved once again and he's there to fix everything

The prince got up and pulled Minho into a tight hug

"I love you..."

"I love you too prince"


Stan P1harmony <3

♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡ {Minchan Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now