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tw // death , suicide


"She's here. With us love"

The man held up the newborn baby. Pampering her with love , hugs and kisses

That's the happiest moment in Minho's life

But life is not all about rainbow and sunshine

There will be a dark and cloudy moment too

Their happiness only last for 1 week because their daughter , Minsoo , passed away

Minho was heartbroken. He was having a high risk pregnancy and he blamed everything on himself

"I'm so sorry Minsoo-ah. I love you. I'm sorry you didn't have a chance to live longer my baby"

But the suffering didn't stop there

After a few days , his husband , Jiwoo , committed suicide. His husband can't bear losing his only child. He was devastated. He can't cope with the sadness so he took his own life

And Minho was left alone

So he made a decision to move out from the city and live in a place where no one would find him , away from everyone , from his friends , from his family , from the memories...


Minho has been staring at the pictures for hours now. He was wondering... What will happen to him if his family is still alive. Will he be happy?

His thought got interrupted by a knocked on the door

He got up and jogged over to the door and twisted the doorknob , pulling it open from Jisung , Felix and little Miyeon to walk in

"Hyung! How are you?"

Jisung pulled the older into a tight hug

"I'm doing fine Sung. How about you and your bubbies?"

"We're doing great Hyung. Baby is very healthy. Same goes to Miyeon"

"That's good to hear. Sit down first. I'll make something to drink"

Minho gave a soft pecked on Miyeon cheeks before walking over to the kitchen to make some tea


"So Hyung. What are you doing at the palace yesterday?"

Jisung asked curiously

"How did you know?"

"Changbin and Seungmin saw Yuri at the castle so he told us about it. They said the miss you too. You didn't go to their cafe for a week now"

"Ahhh... Well.. the king wanna see me"


"Yeah and I got myself into something that I've been avoid all these years..."

Felix gasped loudly

"Don't tell me... You're going to get married with the prince"

Minho chuckled softly

"Ding ding ding! Correct answer"

Both Felix and Jisung jaw dropped

"Hyung! I'm so happy for you!"

Felix hugged the older tightly only to get pulled away by his husband

"Careful. Baby still in there"

"Oopsies~ I forgot but Hyung! Did you say yes?"

Minho shook his head

"You said no?!"

"No no! I didn't give him any answer yet. I need some time to think. This is all too sudden for me and I only know the prince for a while now"

"Hyung... If I were you, I would say yes and forget about the pass. Hyung. It's time for you to move on and open a new chapter in your life"

'It's time for you to move on and open a new chapter in your life'

Maybe they're right... It's time for me to move on

And maybe the prince is my new chapter



♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡ {Minchan Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now