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I want marshmallow


"Minho Hyung. Is there any reason why you don't want to tell us about your... Family?"

Minho didn't say anything. He kept following Hyunjin quietly , admiring the pictures and patterns on the walls

Hyunjin lead them outside the palace. There's a huge space back at the castle. Bigger than Minho's house

"Kkami. Come here"

Hyunjin crouched down and embraced the puppy when it jumped on him

And that's the first time Minho saw Hyunjin smile

Woah... He's beautiful

"Hyung? You okay there? You're spacing out"

Minho snapped out from his thoughts, turning his attention back to Hyunjin and the little puppy

"Hm? I'm fine. Who's cutie is this?"

Minho patted the puppy

"It's my puppy. Kkami the name!"

Minho chuckled hearing how excited he was while talking about the little creature

"You look so happy talking about it. I never see you smile before. You should smile more often. It's beautiful"

Minho can see how Hyunjin cheeks slowly became tinted pink

"T-thanks Hyung. I'll keep that in mind"

They stayed quiet for a little while until Minho spoke again

"Hyunjin. Am I going to get married with Chan soon?"

Hyunjin turned to the older and shrugged

"I don't know but I'm sure you will marry him anytime soon. Why? You don't like the prince? I know he can be handy sometimes but trust me-"

"No no no. It's not that. I just.... I'm not ready. Not yet"

"Hyung... 3 years. Move on from him okay?"

"How did you know?"

"Jeongin but don't worry! He didn't tell me anything else except that one guy you're with 3 years ago. That's all"

"... Can we not talk about him?.."

Hyunjin nodded. He then placed kkami on Minho's lap

"I bet your kitties at home won't sleep with you tonight after smelling kkami all over you"



♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡ {Minchan Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now