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(A/N: Yes, the person Namaari is talking about in this chapter is Lily!

If you don't know who Lily is, feel free to check out Past Life. You will find her in there eventually. 

Don't forget to vote + feedback! 

And on the subject of votes.... Thanks so, so much for voting! 😁)


(Namaari's POV)

I can't sleep. Even though the moon is high in the sky, I toss and turn, tangling myself up in the sheets.

Everytime I close my eyes, and try to drift off, her face keeps flashing before me.

Smiling. Laughing. But then, the sheer horror, seconds before her neck broke, and she drowned.

There was nothing I could do. Even though I tried.

I'm not talking about Raya here. (As she's still alive, obviously) This is about someone else.

She was so beautiful. Lithe as a cat, she only came up to my shoulders. Her hair was long, dark, tied into a high ponytail. Always tanned, even in the autumn. 

We'd spend almost every day and night together, oblivious to the chaos going on in the rest of the world. The moment our mothers fell asleep, we'd sneak out, swim in the river, kiss while running through the streets in the dark.

I can still hear her angelic voice, singing to me when I couldn't sleep. When I tried to join in as we trained, we had a laugh together about how off-key I was. 

My first love. The second person I opened up to. 

I kneel at the window, watching the stars, and pearly white moon.

"Hey. I don't know if you can hear this, but, I miss you. I was in a really dark place when we first met, and I can't thank you enough for pulling me out. You were always there, and I just wish I could've known that day was to be our last." My voice breaks, tears fall. "I wish I could've really said goodbye, properly. God, I know I sound stupid, this, sounds stupid, but I'll always love you baby. And... and I hope you're in a better place." 

I try my hardest to wipe away the tears. Why am I so emotional? Fang warriors shouldn't be like that. We should be tough, fearless, strong. Or so I've been told. 

Maybe getting some sleep will help. I haven't slept properly since the night after we saved the world, when I thought everything was okay. Before the guilt settled in. 

It takes a while, and even then I'm still not comfortable, but somehow I fall asleep.


(A/N: Don't worry, the Rayaari parts are coming up soon! 😉)

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