Next Steps

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(A/N: And now, some actual Raya and Namaari bonding time!!! Dive right in! Also don't forget to comment & vote! If you wanna, ofc.)


(Raya's POV)

Sisu's sitting exactly where I thought she'd be, in our old spot, a sparkling waterfall hidden by two weeping willows, for whenever we needed a heart-to-heart conversation. In her human form, eyes closed, crossed legged. 

"Hey Sisu."

"AH! Oh, sorry, hehe, hi, Raya."

"Sorry to disturb your meditating."

"No, no, it's okay! Meditating, psh? My girl Raya is much more important."

"Awh. Look, can I.... talk to you for a second?"

"Sure! Tell me anything thats on your mind, and I swear on Pengu's life I won't go around and blab your secrets."

"Okay. So, I'm going down to get breakfast, right? And someone knocks on the front door. I go and answer, and Namaari is standing there, head bowed. Asking for my forgiveness."

"And, did you forgive her?"

"No, I didn't. We had a few words, I slammed the door in her face."


"Who does she think she is? She thinks that just because I trusted her, that everything between us is okay! It's not! But you knows what bites the most? A part of me actually wants to try again with her! Yeah, I want to but I fucking can't!" 

Sisu flinches.

"Oh God, Sisu, I'm sorry. What do I look like, ranting and raving away to my best friend?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Just let it all out."

"And if you're wondering why I just can't forgive her- Ugh, it's complicated. We met at twelve, seemed like she was really nice, I made a stupid move and showed her the dragon gem, she betrayed me. And then there was all the recent stuff, which I won't bother explaning as you were mostly there, and yes I know, I trusted her, but what else could I do? We were as good as dead."

"So you don't wanna trust her again, because you don't want to get backstabbed again?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, fair enough. By the way, in case you do want to try and trust her again, I have an idea."


"Just sit with her, for ten minutes, every day-"

"Are you insane?!"

"- holding hands. You don't have to look, or talk to her, at all. Just sit there."

"You sure thats a good idea?"


"If you say so."

"Then what are we waiting for? Lets put this plan into action!"

*time skip*

(Namaari's POV)

Okay, take two.

I hope this works. If not then, I'd better pack my bags and get ready to never see her again.

I knock on the door, three short sharp times. Raya's standing there.

Almost like she was waiting for me.

"Oh, hey, Namaari."

"I'm so-"

"Okay, I get it, you're sorry for what you've done."

"So you forgive me?"

"You'll see after this conversation ends."

"I'm listening."

"We, sit down, holding hands, for ten minutes every day. You don't have to look at me, and I don't have to look at you."

"Okay. And you think that'll help you trust me again?"

"Yes, I do."

"And, if you don't?"

"You go back to Fang, and we never see each other again. Ever."

Wow, harsh. But I'm this desperate. Anything to make it up to her. "Okay, deal."

Before Raya can open her mouth to say whatever she was going to say next, she leans back indoors.

"What?! That wasn't in the plan!"

"I know, but if I said anything else, she'd still come back, begging for forgiveness."

"Yeah, but doncha think the whole 'never come back' part was a bit harsh?"

"Okay, I never really thought of that."

"Raya, what's going on in there?"

"Oh, sorry, Sisu and I were just discussing- Oh never mind, you must know, since you've been standing here. Just- Just come in, Namaari."

"Okaaaay?" My feet patter along the cold blue marble floor. exactly how I remember it, talking to Raya before I screwed everything up. 

Never again, nevernevernevernevernevernevernever.


(Raya's POV)

The first time our hands touch, I break out in a cold sweat. 

I sit down, trying to avoid all eye contact with her.

What the hell was I thinking? I want to break free, run, vomit, or all three. But I can't, we'd be stuck in the same viscious cycle. So I'm stuck here, wishing I had the guts to run.

This is never going to work. We can't fix things. Maybe seperation between us is the best.

Sisu's hands on my shoulders. "Okay, ten minutes is up. You can let go now."

Wait, what??? I survived?! 

"You did great Raya."

I smile weakly at the both of them. 

"See you tommorow." Namaari gives me a half grin before slipping out the door. 

"See you." I wipe my brow, try to stand up, but collapse back into the chair. 

Long after Sisu leaves (to help her siblings with some important affair) I punch a feeble fist in the air.



(A/N: More Rayaari stuff is on the way! If you have any requests, PM me or put 'em in the comments. I'm all ears & open for suggestions! See y'all next chapter! 😘)

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