Chapter 8: Dirty

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Jimin  just stares blankly as the director shouts.


He'll be frank.

 He hated this, this was getting out of hand for him.

His expression dulls, arms crossed as he watched both the lead actor and actress getting into their roles. 

Jungkook grazed his lips on her jawline, leaving wet kisses down her neck, he seemed to enjoy it a lot actually, they both seemed to, their movements too passionate to be just an act. 

Of course he enjoys playing around with people like this.

His eyes twitch in betrayal as Jungkook attaches his lips with the woman.

Jimin turned around with a silent scoff, what was he thinking? 

A person like Jungkook actually liking him? 

All he wants is a good fuck after all.

"Cut! Ok Jungkook-ssi! That was a really good shot!!" The director shouts enthusiastically.

 Jungkook ignored his words and shoved the actress away from him rather rudely, wiping his lips.

Gross...that was gross

He's bisexual and he's never thought of sexual acts as gross before, but since the time he met lips with Jimin's plump one's, things just weren't the same.

Speaking of Jimin, he didn't see the short male after assumingly the scene of him and the actress kissing was conducted. 

It was the end of the shoot and all the staffs had started leaving one by one, some even personally going and bowing to Jungkook, expressing their gratitude to be able to work with him. 

Jungkook ignored their kind words rather annoyingly, too busy figuring out where Jimin was. He made a bee-line to the dressing room, only to be stopped by Yoongi mid-way.

"And where do you think you are going young man?" Yoongi sneers, folding his arms and standing tall in front of him, though he's just amusingly short. 

"To meet a friend." Jungkook reasons confidently. 

"You have an interview scheduled in an hour, we have to leave now if you want to reach their on time." Yoongi snaps back, though he clearly knew that Jungkook was definitely not looking for a friend. The other groaned in irritation, frowning as he spoke. 

"Cancel it." He says.

Yoongi's caught off-guard.

"What? Are you out of your mind? Just cancel it?!" He asks in disbelief, the other seemed unbothered, having made up his mind.

"Yes, and don't tell me what to do. You're just my manager and not my dad." He speaks through gritted teeth, before walking past the other.

Yoongi was stunned.

The actor had always been a brat, but never gone to the limits of dishelving his  work schedule, especially since he knew that the interview was going to go live on T.V after much of waiting. 

"Jeon Jungkook what is wrong with you?" He mutters to himself as he walked away, tensed about dealing with the cancelling of the interview.

"And here you are." Jungkook smiles as he saw the petite male going through the clothes in the stands of the dressing room. 

Jimin turns around, quite startled when he saw Jungkook leaning on the door frame. 

"How can I help you?" Jimin smiles back, oozing sarcasm and fake attitude, he was definitely not ready to deal with this right now. 

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