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Jungwon's POV

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Jungwon's POV

*time skip - after two days - the day of the ball*

Today is the day of the ball, and I am at the dorm, fixing myself up, with the help of my hyungs and Ni-ki of course. "Jungwon stay still !!" Sunoo hyung groaned, for he is doing my make up "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited !!!" I said "yeah I know, we all are, but be still !! Or else you'll be doing your own make up" he warned me and I stayed still.

"Heeseung hyung !!" Jay hyung called "yeah ??" Heeseung hyung asked "where will I put this ??" Jay hyung asked while pointing at the tuxedo in his hand "here" Heeseung hyung said while making room for it in the rack. "There, your make up is all done !!" Sunoo hyung said as he placed down the brush. "Wow it looks nice, thank hyung" I said then I stepped out of the chair.

Meanwhile at Yeji's POV

So this is what happened, okay so first I invited Aera over since I need help with my make up and all that, then when she got here Eun unnie said "what is she doing here ??" And I was like "is invited her over to help me" and she was like "but um here, I can help you" and then Aera said "Let's just start your makeup" then I sat down the couch and she started doing my make up.

But then Eun unnie grabbed the brush and started doing my make up "hey I'm doing her make up !!" Aera whined, and then they started fighting and all that, so in the end I did my own make up, even tho I'm not good at it 😑 After doing make up on my own I said "I'm done with my make up now where is my dress ??" And they just looked at me "the hell is his make up ??" Eun unnie said "I do not want to be rude but, that is some make up skill" Aera said

"yeah I know, it's not the best and probably the worst, but do I have a choice ?? Cause you two that are supposed to help me, just fight and fight, and I don't want to waste a second cause the party ain't waiting for me" I said "Ohh" they said at the same time "we're sorry" again they said it at the same time

"Yeah yeah, so are you going to help me or not ??" I said "of course we are, now let's remove that make up" Eun unnie said and they wiped off the make up and started doing it again. After that is done, Aera gave me my dress and I went to my room to put it on. "How do I look ??" I asked as I stepped out of my room.

"You look pretty, but I'm prettier" Eun unnie said and I just rolled my eyes "you look great, and just in time too" Aera squealed, then she opened the door, revealing Jungwon, all dressed up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He stepped in and said "wow" he gasped "you look beautiful" he said then he gave me the flowers "thank you, and you too if I do say so myself" I chuckled

"Let's get going then, we don't want to be late" he said and I nodded, we then waved good bye to Eun unnie and Aera and hopped in the van. It's now halfway through the ride, and I feel very nervous, so I'm shaking, then Jungwon said "hey, it's okay, no need to be nervous, I'm here" then he hugged me, and I just wish he didn't hear my heart beat cause it's beating very fast.

Soon enough we arrived at the venue and we put our masks on and we got out on the van. We went inside and Whoa !!! It looks beautiful !!!! ( a/n : keep yourself together Yeji, don't let them know that it's your first time at parties like this ) Jungwon then held my hand and we sat down at an empty spot on the front.

Then one of the faculties stepped in the stage "good evening students, is uhh, is every one here ??" She asked and we all nodded "good, then let's get this party started !!!" And the students cheered. After that loud music busted out the speakers "oww my ears !!" I groaned since one of the speakers are just right behind us. Jungwon hen covered my ears, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

I then saw a student went toward the teachers "could you please lower the volume of the music ??" And they did it, the teachers lowered the volume "Ahh that feels nice" I said and Jungwon removed his hands from my ears I then mouthed a thank you and he gave me a flying kiss.

*Time skip again cause idk what to put hehe*

Then soon enough we were dancing. And to be honest, I don't know how to dance, which is pretty embarrassing. "Jungwon" I quietly called him "Yes baby ??" He asked AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!! HE CALLED ME BABY ??!?!??!?! Anyways I said "I have a confession" I lowly said "what is it ??" He asked "I don't know how to dance" I confessed while he tried his best not to laugh "You don't know how to dance ??" He asked again and I nodded slightly. "Let me teach you then" he said as he held my waist.

"Step here, now there, and spin" he said and I followed "you're getting better, now again" he said and I did it again and again. After a while of dancing, I got a little tired so I asked Jungwon if we could sit for a while and he agreed. So now I'm here sitting with Jungwon as we watch others dance. It's getting kinda chilly so I rubbed my arms but then he hugged me and I am shocked at what he did. "What are you doing ??" I asked "you're feeling cold, so I hugged you" he said while smiling, and I could feel my cheeks getting hot, "you could've just gave, me your jacket" I said

"But if I did that, then I'll be the one whose gonna get cold" he said and I chuckled, then he gave me a peck on the cheek. God no !! I can't !! "I can't !!" I said "huh ??" He asked me, confused at what I said "I can't do this anymore" I said "what do you mean ??" He asked.

"I can't be in a fake relationship with you anymore !!"


Hii guys !!! I hope you like this chapter, the next update is gonna be the final one !!!! I can't believe this is gonna end soon ;-; but I hope you stay tuned to that. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment ilyasm ♡♡♡

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