Chapter Four

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Waking up to that aching sound that my phone is making. Opening my eyes fast, my hand would slowly turn the aching alarm off.

I think today is a Tuesday? Oh great, ha, school. How fun, right? Nope. Might as well get ready, or else i'll be late.

Sighing while closing my eyes, i'd rip off the white covers off of me, and i'd jump off the bed carelessly. Not even thinking about what are the possibilities that school would be good. Nothing, nothing at all.

That was the complete truth. It was boring, but also cruel. Not the learning part of course; you need education to have a future.

No the people, the crowd, the anxiety. So many worries and little time. Nothing is ever going to be normal, here on out.

You have to make your future. At least that's what I think. Make your own happiness. I found my happiness. Alexander.

That's my only thought and happiness. He's my only worry. I care only about him. Him and only him, always. Walking over to my wooden dresser, and searching for clothes to wear to school.

God this is a chore. I'd pick a grey shirt with a skull on it, with black skinny jeans. I'd Slip my pajamas off, and put my school clothes on.

Grabbing my jacket in the process, and putting it on slowly. I really don't want school. All I want to do is sleep and talk to Alexander, but no I don't have a temperature, so school it is.

At least that's what my dad and Jessica say. Also Alexander has work, and I would have to wait until seven o clock to talk to him.

God I can't wait that long. It's about a million years away, if I say so myself. Nothing in this world is expected. You assume, but if you assume where does that get you? Pain? Love? Happiness? Hatred? Or nothing?

Earth is a big pain. No I take that back. Everyone and life is a big pain, or am I wrong? Do we decide what happens in our life? All the pain and suffocation? Or is it the people in your life choice?

They decide for us? Cause us pain? What is the actual choice? For all I know life sucked. It was painful, but you have to keep moving on.

If you don't you get pushed around, or stopped by someone popping in to ruin everything for you. I know what I decided.

I want to be with Alexander. I want to protect him, care for him, love him, and be his everything. I won't let anyone hurt him ever.

He's all I freaking care about. No one will get in the middle, because he's all I see, and I will only see and love him. No one else.

Smiling, i'd turn my straighter on to the top settings. I would walk to my dresser and grab my make up. School isn't what I was looking forward to. No it's dreadful, horrible, and over whelming. It's called stupid freaking life.

Shrugging, i'd put my black eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow on. Grabbing the straighter, and slowly running it through my hair until it was straight. Finally ready for school.

I would grab my black backpack and walk to the car. Everyone was rushing like we were late. School starts at eight o clock, and we need to leave at six fifteen, but it's only six ten.

It's too early for rushing. Sighing, i'd open the baby blue car door. We have a mini van, we have about six people in our house.

Fun right? Not really. Sitting on the right side, was my favorite spot. There was two seats in the very back. Then two seats in the middle.

Then the two seats in the front. The middle was my favorite, it wasn't small fitting, or too big, it was enough space for it to be comfortable. That's what I like.

Everyone would jump in the car. Looking around, i'd breathe out slowly, and put my black head phones in my ears. I would turn my phone on, and turn my music up as loud as I could.

When I did that, all I could hear was a mumbling sound of voices. I think it was Anna and Jessica. Oh, Anna, Mat, Jessica, and my dad are in the car right now.

Anna and Mat go to the same school as me. Arthur on the other hand, he goes to a different school. In the actual district.

Every one else is in a different district. Don't ask, it's hard to explain. My lips would form into a small smile, while looking outside the window.

Different cars went by. A blue, red, dark green, orange, white, gold. My shoulders would move into a shrug. I'd turn on my phone to check the time. Six thirty.

We were half way at school. Many streets went by. A lot of red lights to stop at. The closer we got to school the worst the aching feeling in my stomach got.

Flashes of lights were everywhere, from cars. The moon was still out. It was a full moon, which was amazing. The shine, was amazing.

Calmly breathing out slowly, and taking in the moon light that's hitting my pale skin. Soon enough we would be at our school at the car drop of lane.

It wasn't that full surprisingly, I guess. I'd turn my music off, and put my phone in my backpack. The regret in my stomach deepened as I got out of the car.

"Bye, kids." We sighed and walked to the glass doors of our school. Anna opened the door, while I followed back be hide her.

We walked to the cafeteria, and sat in our usual spots. We always sat in the middle of the cafeteria. It's sort of the same reason as the car. Expect there is more room and seats.

I always sat beside this girl named Mara. She was my friend, I think, but we barley talked. As I say there, I looked around.

Familiar faces everywhere. Even though everything here is new, the faces seemed, familiar. All I know is that it's early in the morning, and I want to go home.

I want to talk to Alexander. I want to be with him. I need to be with him. He's my everything. He is special, unique, kind, amazing.

Alexander is everything. I could cuddle with him all day if I could. He means everything to me. A smile would creep up to my lips as I looked at the clock.

It said seven forty seven. My feet would gently help me stand up as I put my backpack on my back. I would push the wooden doors open, and walk up the dark blue stair case.

I heard some voices from be hide. All the talking, laughing, then they were running up the stairs. Oh god.

My feet would start to quicken; as the foot steps be hide me got louder. Once I got to the top of the steps I ran to my dark blue locker.

The back of it had this glass where the stair case is. Just to keep everyone safe I guess. Maybe for the looks. As I slowly try to catch my breath, my fingers start to shake.

My eyes would close, as I held my breath. I just didn't want anyone to notice. I'd start to put in my locker combination.

As I opened it, the smell of peppermint and berries came blowing in my face. I would put my black backpack on the silver hook, that was hanging from the top of my locker.

My fingers would open the black backpack, as I got all the stuff I needed for the day. The day was boring, but horrible.

Lots of crowds and people. Barley anyone to talk to, and long classes. All I wanted was to go home, and talk to Alexander.
Thank you for reading, once again! I'll update soon, I promise. I hope you're enjoying this book.

Sorry for not adding more details, but I will update chapter five soon, with Mikasa and Alexander talking. I will add more detail, if I can.

Thank you once again. Bye.

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