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Stories based on Maddam Sir Show

Characters and Abbrevations

AS - Anubhav Singh

HM – Haseena Mallik

KS – Karishma Singh

PS – Pushpa Singh

SS – Santosh Sharma

CC – Cheetah Chaturvedi

SC- Sunny Chadda

Ammi – Hsseena's Mother

Maa – Anubhav's Mother

Billu, Badnam, Iqbal


MS-Maddam Sir

In show when Haseena watch Anubhhav video she is really felt bad for him as

she is still in love with him. Here Anubhav also felt bad for what he did with Haseena.

Ammi and Maa doesn't have any idea about all the mission and they are acted about marriage is only for that mission.

This story is based on next part after that episode.

Its imagination and not having connection with show.

THE BOND OF LOVE - Anuseenaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें