SHADESTAR — dark grey tom, with darker ears, and paws, with blue eyes.DEPUTY
ICEEAR — white tom, with amber eyes. (APPRENTICE: GRASSPAW — brown tabby she-cat with green eyes)MEDICINE CAT
HEATHERTAIL — light grey she-cat, with light blue eyes, and darker paws.WARRIORS
(toms and she-cats without kits)FURZEFEATHER — pale grey tom (APPRENTICE: OAKPAW -a dark ginger tom with yellow eyes.)
TANGLEWIND — fluffy, battle scarred scarred cream tabby she-cat, with blue eyes.
WEBTOOTH — sleek furred, light grey tom with a long tail, with blue eyes.
CLOVERNOSE — white she-cat with one blind eye, with a scarred pelt.
TAWNYLEAP — dark brown tabby tom with broad shoulders, with yellow eyes.
SAGEFUR — dark brown splotched she-cat with green eyes.
FLAREJUMP — ginger tom with darker speckles with blue eyes.
SCORCHPELT — ginger tom with darker flecks with blue eyes.
IVYTAIL — white and grey patched she-cat with yellow eyes.APPRENTICES
(more than six moons old, training to become warriors)
GRASSPAW — brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
OAKPAW - dark ginger tom with yellow eyesQUEENS
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
BADGER — black and white patched she-cat, mother to WATERKIT — (light grey tom with darker ears, paws, with a white muzzle and belly, with blue eyes)ELDERS
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
COWPATCH — battle scarred black and white patched she-cat, with a missing tail, with dark amber eyes.
HOUNDTAIL — battle scarred brown, and cream she-cat with a stump tail, with yellow eyes.KITS
(cats younger than six moons)
WATERKIT — light grey tom, with darker ears, paws, with a white muzzle, and belly with blue eyes.—————————————————————————-
ADDERSTAR — dark ginger tabby tom, with dark amber eyes.DEPUTY
SNAKEEYES — black and white patched tom, with green eyes.MEDICINE CAT
JUNIPERGAZE - dark grey tom with a white chest and paws, with green eyes.WARRIORS
(toms and she-cats without kits)
KESTERELSTRIPE — fawn colored tom with green eyes.
BATSCRATCH — dark brown tabby tom with blue eyes.
RUSSETTOOTH — ginger and white patched she-cat with amber eyes. (APPRENTICE: HAWKPAW - black she-cat with green eyes)
NEEDLEBITE — grey and black marbled tom with blue eyes.
NIGHTSTALK —black and white tuxedo she-cat with yellow eyes.
FIRECHASER — ginger and white patched she-cat with amber eyes.
DUSTCALL — dark brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes.APPRENTICES
(more than six moons old, training to become warriors)
HAWKPAW — black she-cat with green eyesQUEENS
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
TIGERNETTLE - brown she-cat with blue eyes, mother to NIGHTKIT (brown she-cat), HALFKIT (creamy brown she-cat), ASHKIT (creamy brown she-cat)ELDERS
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
DOVECLOUD — blue she-cat with blue eyes.KITS
(cats younger than six moons)
NIGHTKIT — brown she-cat.
HALFKIT — creamy brown she-cat.
ASHKIT — creamy brown she-cat.—————————————————————————-
SANDSTAR — wiry light golden tom with torn ears, with yellow eyes.DEPUTY
PETALBELLY — light cream she-cat.MEDICINE CAT
SHEEPFUR — fluffy, curly furred tom with yellow eyes.WARRIORS
(toms and she-cats without kits)
FLIGHTWHISKER — brown tabby tom with amber eyes. (APPRENTICE: SHADOWPAW — dark grey tabby tom with green eyes)
RUSSETSTRIPE — ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes
QUAILWIND — dark brown tabby she-cat.
GRAYNOSE — speckled grey she-cat
ASPENDAPPLE — lithe light cream she-cat with white back paws. (APPRENTICE: MAPLEPAW — calico she-cat with green eyes.)
STOATSPRING — silver tom.
GORSEFROST — mottled brown tom.
LAKEHEART — grey and white tabby she-cat.
HORSETHROAT — pretty pale tabby she-cat.
WEASELSWIPE — light golden tom. (APPRENTICE: FOGPAW — light grey speckled tom with blue eyes.)APPRENTICES
(more than six moons old, training to become warriors)
SHADOWPAW — dark grey tabby tom with green eyes.
MAPLEPAW — calico she-cat with green eyes.
FOGPAW — light grey speckled tom with blue eyes.QUEENS
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
ROSEFLANK — creamy she-cat with yellow eyes, mother to MUDKIT (bright ginger tom), CLOVERKIT (creamy tom), SOOTKIT (silvery grey tom)
EBONYLEAF — calico she-catKITS
(cats younger than six moons)
MUDKIT - bright ginger tom
CLOVERKIT - creamy tom
SOOTKIT - silvery gray tom—————————————————————————-
WHITESTAR - white and black tom with hazel eyes.DEPUTY
DEWFLIGHT - blue-gray tom with darker stripes. (APPRENTICE: SHORTPAW — creamy brown tom)MEDICINE CAT
DUSTYMIST - dusky brown tomWARRIORS
(toms and she-cats without kits)
RUSHACORN - brown tabby tom with one dead eye
HOLLYTAIL - short-haired pure white tom with a huge scar on their belly (APPRENTICE: FALCONPAW — brown she-cat)
LYNXSCAR - orange tabby she-cat
THRUSHSPECKLE - speckled brown tom
SCORCHSTEM - speckled brown tom with long whiskersAPPRENTICES
(more than six moons old, training to become warriors)
FALCONPAW - brown she-cat
SHORTPAW - creamy brown tomQUEENS
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
LOUDGOOSE - brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes, mother to SWIFTKIT (brown tom), WOLFKIT (speckles brown she-cat)ELDERS
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
RAINFOOT - orange she-catKITS
(cats younger than six moons)
SWIFTKIT - brown tom
WOLFKIT - speckled brown she-cat
Waterstar's Heart
Fanfiction"Listen to me, Waterstar. Just this once." "Two sisters will be born. One sister will rise, and one will fall, and leave an eternal blaze." How did ThunderClan's leader, Waterstar, go from a wise, respectful tom, to an anger ridden StarClan cat? Wat...