1 Christmas night 

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Anastasia was getting ready with her father Shawn for Christmas.

Why do I have to go. She whined putting on her orange dress.

Because their my best friends and one is your mother. Shawn said spraying Cologne all over him.

Oh forgot. She sighed sitting down then putting her heals on.

Ya know Eddie invites us all the time for Christmas. Anastasia said grabbing her lighter and cigarettes then throw the keys at Shawn.

I don't want you talking to him. He said as they walked to his car.

Common dad he's lonely and he's your brother. Anastasia felt bad but she knew that her dad had worries especially since Eddie still a convict.

I don't care. Shawn said as they started driving.

The Matthew house
The two walked in, Shawn went to Cory and Anastasia went to Amy who's at the table.

Hey. Anastasia said as Amy hugged her.

How you been honey. Amy asked as the teen looked at her.

Good I'm good. She said sniffling then walked away to Riley.

Hey sister. Anastasia said to Riley giving her a hug.

Sister. She said as maya looked at them.

Hey sisters friend. She said waving to maya.

How's traveling. Riley asked as Anastasia pulled out a picture of the lady of liberty.

Cool ain't it. She asked as Riley and looked looked over the picture.

You keep it I got a bunch. She said as auggie.

Hey Stasia. The little boy said hugging her.

Hey bub. She said Hugging him back.

Did you say hi to mom yet she said she misses you. Auggie said before running to josh.

See you guys later. She said before walking to Topanga.

Hey mom. She said taking a deep breath.

Hey honey. She said pulling Anastasia into a hug.

I'm gonna go finish dinner. Topanga said walking to the stove.

Even tho they seemed nice she could see right through them, for years they constantly thought/said she was a mistake.

I'm go outside. She whispered to Shawn as he nodded.

Why don't I come with you. Josh said as she shrugged.

How's it been hunter. Josh said as they got outside.

Good, you. She said pulling out her cigarette and logging it taking a hit.

Good, looking at collages yet. He asked as she nodded.

Yeah yeah might get accepted at Drexel University in Philly.

Cool that sounds good since you'll be staying there. He said as she agreed.

Step family. She joked putting her hand out.

Step family. He laughed doing their handshake from she. They were younger.

(Josh and Anastasia are the same age)

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