5 ditched

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Anastasia was still with topanga making her mad at Shawn.

You can't be mad at him forever. Cory said kissing Anastasia head.

Yea I can and I will. She said grabbing her cookie dough ice cream then walking to Riley's room.

Hey RiRi. Anastasia said sitting on the girls bed.

Hey, what are you doing up. The teen asked her sister while sitting on her Bay window.

My dad. Anastasia said as Riley came and sat next to her.

I'm sorry. She said Hugging the blonde.

It's not your fault. She said hugging Riley back.

Remember when I live with you guys that one year when you were 7. Anastasia asked as Riley nodded.

Well he ditched me here saying he'll come back, at least this time he asked me if I wanna stay but I was pissed and ran to my uncles trailer because I couldn't believe he wanted us to leave again, sad part is he's ignoring my phone calls/text. Riley felt bad for sister wanting to make her feel better.

If it cheers you up we're supposed to have name night Friday. The brunette said making her sister smile.

I love family game night, it's always so fun when mom gets competitive. That night Anastasia and Riley fell asleep together while talking.

Hey mama, Cory. Anastasia said sitting down at the table.

You ready cuz I'm ready. Cory asked excitedly.

Yep. She laughed.

Why do you guys make such a big deal about game night. Riley asked annoyed.

Because it's fun and it's family fun. Anastasia said as Riley rolled her eyes.

You won't understand till your older but there's gonna come a time were you start to prioritize your family over friends. Cory said as topanga agreed.

What no. She said sarcastically then maya walked through asking if Cory freaked.

Ohhhh I can't wait for this. Anastasia whispered to topanga who laughed.

What did you do. Cory asked at the edge of his seat.

Family game night with extra family. Auggie said walking in with josh.

Auggie didn't wanna miss game night, never made it out the city. Josh said while giving Cory his money and smirking at Anastasia.

This is a Dollar. Cory said looking at his brother.

Did you not think we were gonna buy steaks. Josh asked making them laugh.

Thank you papa. Auggie said hitting his stomach.

You know what, my brother. Cory said getting up ready to hug josh.

My brother. Josh said hugging him.

Anastasia and josh were giving  each other flirty looks till someone bussed the apartment.

Farkel, and Lucas. The voices said.

Who. She asked as maya mouthed best friends.

Welcome to family game night friends. Riley said opening the door.

Ohhhh someone gonna be in trouble. Anastasia whispered.

Get rid of them. Cory said.

Why dose it matter. Riley asked Cory making Anastasia move away not wanting to here them.

Hello Joshua Matthews. She said walking to him.

Anastasia hunter Lawrence. He said smiling at her.

Names to long. She said rolling her eyes then walked over and on the couch.

You see this, the family game, the game for family. Cory said showing the board.

She's not family. Farkel said pointing to Anastasia.

Yes she is. Topanga defended.

How. He asked as maya cut in.

Riley's sister, different dads. Maya said making farkel feel embarrassed.

Can we play now. Anastasia asked as josh put his hand on her shoulder.

Everybody's here everybody plays. Riley said to her parents.

Flipping out is only gonna make it worse topanga said helping riley.

Anastasia started to think about her dad making her distracted till josh said the game was set.

We gonna play or what. She asked as Cory pouted saying no and Riley yelled yes.

Do you even know how to play the family game. Cory asked as maya pushed him down and said for her to teach him.

I'm always here and ya can't get rid of me, always wins. Maya said pointing to topanga.

Always eats to much popcorn saying she's never going to eat popcorn again. She moved to Riley.

Falls asleep to early or go's and stays the rest of the night outside. She said pointing to Anastasia.

Rude. The blonde joked.

Can you be on my team uncle josh. Auggie asked pulling josh.

Try and stop me. Josh said bed maya pulled him by her.

I can. Maya said till Auggie pulled him back.

He's my uncle. Auggie yelled.

He's my husband. Maya yelled back making him surrender.

Congrats. Anastasia said laughing.

The door rang so Auggie opened it, he's girlfriend ended up playing with them to.

Well we'll. Maya said sitting next to josh.

I could pick you. Maya said to josh then to Cory doing the same thing for 10 seconds.

I'll just host with Anastasia. Josh said mocking to her.

You read slugger I'm tired. She said gently hitting him with the box.

After explaining Riley and Cory started arguing about who go's first.
After a while josh came over to Anastasia wrapping his arm around her.

You paying attention. He asked in a game voice.

Nah. She said as they sat down her half on his lap half o. The couch.

I roll six. Ava said moving her piece.

You can't do that, she can't do that. Topanga freaked out

Objection josh, Stasia no. She said as josh started laughing.

I'm gonna allow it. She said as her mom asked why.

She crakes me up. He said smiling.

Moms gonna kill her. Anastasia joked as josh nodded.

She's gonna kill Riley to. Josh said pointing to topanga who's freaking out.

I just wanna go home. Lucas said as Anastasia looked down.

Me to. She said walking to her room.

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