19 surprises

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when they got to encino hills Anastasia knew right away where they since she would always look in a magazine whichever state her father dragged her to.

last stop for today. Carmen yawned as they got out the car.

yaya rang the door bell causing a girl that looked the same age as the teens answered.

hi. she said hugging everyone except Anastasia since she didn't know her. 

everyone walked in which caused two more people to walk by the door hugging everyone.

Anastasia felt more awkward here since there were more people and a lot of touching, shes just not a fan of the human touch unless she convinces her self its OK.   

this is my girlfriend Anastasia. Miguel intro introduced her.

hey. she said wanting to leave but fake smiled instead.

You're from New York right. the girl asked shaking her head.

I'm from Philly but live in New York. she said still fake smiling.

ever been to Jersey. the man with dark hair asked as she nodded.

lived there once for a mother. she laughed, they all went to the kitchen and sat down.

i'm Sam. the brunette said as they shook hands.

this is Amanda and Daniel. Miguel whispered and she nodded.      

i think ive seen you somewhere. Anastasia said pointing to Daniel.

after a couple of seconds she finally found out where.

now i remember, my sister loves your commercial She watched it on repeat when it first came out, she thought you were so funny. Anastasia said making them laugh. 

so shes a fan. he asked as she nodded.

why don't you give her a call so she could see him her self. Amanda said as the teen pulled her phone out.

hey, you won't believe who I'm with. she said as Riley answered the face time

who. she asked as Anastasia showed Daniel. 

oh my god. she said in shock. 

hey there. he said as she dropped the phone making maya pick it up. 

i thought she was lying. maya said before passing it back to riley.

i love your commercials. riley said as daniel thanked her. 

bye. Anastasia hung up and thanked daniel for doing what he did. 

anytime. he said before they went back to talking about the diaz family's new life. 

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