Tabi Yandere Alphabet

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A - Approach
How do they go about loving you? How do they behave around you?

He's actually a pretty fun person around you, since your his darling and all, he's always making jokes, sometimes about things you've literally never told anyone else

B - Blood
Do they kill people? How often?

He prefers not too, but he will do what he has to do to make you his

C - Crazy
How long can they wait for you before they lose it?

A month, show him the slightest bit of kindness it's 2 weeks

D - Danger
Would they hurt you? How much danger are you in?

He'll never hurt you on purpose, when he gets mad he might throw things around and accidentally hit you with something, he feels really guilty afterwards

E - Effort
How much effort do they put into courting you?

He'll come up to you whenever he sees you (conveniently he's always where you are)

F - Friends
Are they okay with friends? Do their friends know?

He doesn't like your friends, there's a very slight chance he'd spare them, you're family are complete goners though, he doesn't want another situation like what happened with daddy dearest

G - Gross
How much of a mess do they make? Would they clean it up?

He tries to keep the mess small, especially if you don't like gore, he'll probably clean up, it depends on how upset he was at the time and what the person did to you

H - Heart
How affectionate are they? How do they go about it?

He's very affectionate, your physical touch to him is just ✨perfect✨

I - Intense
How intense can they get? How scary are they?

You've seen the mod, he gets like that around people, especially those who even think of showing the slightest bit of interest in you, if he's mad you'll know, he'd never take it out on you though

J - Jealous
How jealous do they get?
What do they do when they're jealous?

Yes, he kills the person making him jealous (surprise surprise) but not as quickly as he'd kill anyone else, for every time they made him feel jealous is one hour added to how slow their painful death is

K - Kidnapping
Do they kidnap you? How do they go about it?

Chloroform rag over the face, he just kinda carried you back to his place (and nearly dropped you 🙈)

L - Leave
How would they feel if you escaped? Would they try to find you?

Angry doesn't even begin to describe it, not at you, but at himself and anyone who helped you, he would definitely try to find you, but if he couldn't he'd never get over it, he'd never leave his house hoping you'd come back

M - Make-up
Do they act different around you? Do they try to hide you?

He doesn't really try to hide you, but he's always with you so you couldn't say anything to anyone anyways, he's a lot more happy around you, every time he sees you he just lights up and gets more cheery

N - Nope
What would they never do?

Mocking you, he'd never make you feel bad about yourself, if you did for any reason he'd make sure you felt better no matter how long it would take

O - Open
How secretive are they? Do they make things obvious?

He tells you a lot, he doesn't tell you when he's upset because he doesn't want to push his problems on you, it's pretty easy to tell how he feels though

P - Princess
How do they treat you? How much of a (simp) caring person are they?

Very caring, anything your interested in, he's interested in, anything you hate, he hates too

Q - Quit
Would they ever give up trying to make you love them?

Depends on how you treat him, if your rude and uncaring to him there's a slim chance he'd give up

R - Random
Random fact about them!

Your voice might as well be music, he loves hearing you talk about things and secretly like really wants you to sing to him

S - Stay
Would they let you out? How often would they let you?

He'd be nervous about letting out at first, but he'd let you go out basically whenever he could go with you

T - Thought
Would they feel bad? How long until they realize?

He knows what he's doing, and he feels really bad about it every once in awhile, he'll go and just sit with you, he wont say anything unless you do

U - Unusual
Do they do anything strange? Yandere or not

Squish your face like all the time, doesn't matter what your doing, he'll just go and do it

V - Valentine
How normal are they at first? How soon do they get creepy?

Like not even 3 days and he's already literally everywhere in public you are

W - What?
Do you do anything that confuses them or vise versa?

He loves everything about you, literally everything you do is perfect to him

X - Xenial
How are they around your family/friends?

Depends on how close you are with your friends, the closer you are, the more cold and rude he is

also lol what family

Y - Yet
What would they not let you do, but eventually give in?

Going outside on your own, he won't let you go far though he'll give in eventually

Z - Zealous
How did they meet you? How did this start?

You held the door for him once

(also yes you have a cat/kept your cat)

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