AGOTI Yandere Alphabet

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a/n: whoah look at that 👁👁✨

A - Approach
How do they go about loving you? How do they behave around you?

He teases you a lot, in an obviously joking manner but he knows when to stop

B - Blood
Do they kill people? How often?

(a/n thank you sav for bringing it to my attention that i forgot this ) When he gets jealous of your closer friends, or if someone finds out about to two of you

C - Crazy
How long can they wait for you before they lose it?

Impatient, 4-5 months maybe

D - Danger
Would they hurt you? How much danger are you in?

If you make him angry he might slap you or something, nothing too painful however

E - Effort
How much effort do they put into courting you?

He finds flowers and will try to muster up enough courage to give them too you, but can't so he just leaves them in your room

F - Friends
Are they okay with friends? Do their friends know?

For his friends yeah, he doesn't mind you hang out with them, you and Tabi hang out a lot

And as for you, can you have friends? Yes, actually, he doesn't mind you having friends, as long as they don't know about what's going on, then he's cool with them, but be careful with how close you get with them, unless you'd rather your friends become a bag of bloody bones later

G - Gross
How much of a mess do they make? Would they clean it up?

Medium mess, he'll try to clean it but get lazy and leave

H - Heart
How affectionate are they? How do they go about it?

He's shy about doing things for you, like previously mentioned he'll break into your house and leave them in your room

I - Intense
How intense can they get? How scary are they?

He can get violent, he gets into fights more then he kills people

J - Jealous
How jealous do they get?
What do they do when they're jealous?

He tends to get into fights more then straight murder, but if someone touched you in any way shape or form they're dead meat

K - Kidnapping
Do they kidnap you? How do they go about it?

He tried not too, but if you didn't go with him he hit you over the head a few times

L - Leave
How would they feel if you escaped? Would they try to find you?

He'd be really sad at first, then really angry, maybe uh don't do that

M - Make-up
Do they act different around you? Do they try to hide you?

He doesn't try to hide you, but no one will ever now about what's going on

N - Nope
What would they never do?

Going to far with his teasing is a no go for him

O - Open
How secretive are they? Do they make things obvious?

He doesn't go out of his way to tell you things, but also doesn't try to hide anything either

P - Princess
How do they treat you? How much of a (simp) caring person are they?

He brags about you all the time, not the kidnapping part but he's always telling people how amazing you are

Q - Quit
Would they ever give up trying to make you love them?

Nope, no matter what you say

R - Random
Random fact about them!

He tries to include you in alot of the things he does, like if he's cooking he'll ask if you want to cook too

S - Stay
Would they let you out? How often would they let you?

Yeah, he'd track you somehow, but he trusts you

T - Thought
Would they feel bad? How long until they realize?

If you tell him that you aren't happy, he'll feel really bad

U - Unusual
Do they do anything strange? Yandere or not

He doesn't like your family at all, but he won't do anything about it, now if you ask him to do something on the other hand..

V - Valentine
How normal are they at first? How soon do they get creepy?

He puts things in your room, before you knew he knew your address

W - What?
Do you do anything that confuses them or vise versa?

If you ever agree with him when he's teasing you he'll get confused

X - Xenial
How are they around your family/friends?

He's pretty chill, doesn't like your family like at all, and may like your friends idk

Y - Yet
What would they not let you do, but eventually give in?

He let you do whatever basically

Z - Zealous
How did they meet you? How did this start?

You were with Boyfriend and Girlfriend and escaped with them, he couldn't get you off of his mind

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