Ruv Yandere Alphabet

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A/N: sorry savannah_daydreams forgive me🙏🛐

A - Approach
How do they go about loving you? How do they behave around you?

He doesn't change around other people, though, if it's just you two, he'll (try to be) be nicer

B - Blood
Do they kill people? How often?


C - Crazy
How long can they wait for you before they lose it?

He's pretty patient, 1 year tops

D - Danger
Would they hurt you? How much danger are you in?

He won't hurt you himself, though if you hurt yourself that's your fault

E - Effort
How much effort do they put into courting you?

He makes an attempt to be kind to you, it's honestly sweet

F - Friends
Are they okay with friends? Do their friends know?

Sarvente knows about you, and she's about the only person that ever will

G - Gross
How much of a mess do they make? Would they clean it up?

He doesn't care to clean up, unless you ask it never even crosses his mind, but, on the other hand if you ask him too make a mess you can imagine how far he'll go with that

H - Heart
How affectionate are they? How do they go about it?

Mostly physical touch and quality time, since he doesn't have the best social skills

I - Intense
How intense can they get? How scary are they?

He makes a point to threaten anyone talking to you, doesn't matter what your talking about or your relationship with said person

J - Jealous
How jealous do they get?
What do they do when they're jealous?

First off: kills the one making him jealous, second: he'll try to ignore you to make you feel how he felt, however, he doesn't stop to consider that it makes him more lonely, so he fails 99.9% of the time

K - Kidnapping
Do they kidnap you? How do they go about it?

He asked Sarv to kidnap you, she just kinda locked you in the church and told you what was going on

L - Leave
How would they feel if you escaped? Would they try to find you?

He would be mad, at everything, pure rage, he would try to find you but if he couldn't, that rage turns into panic real fast,

M - Make-up
Do they act different around you? Do they try to hide you?

He will act like nothing's happening around other people, but he does try to hide you from others, he doesn't think they deserve to talk to you (and he totally thinks he deserves you)

N - Nope
What would they never do?

Make fun of your height, he thinks it's cute (a/n: unless you're savannah baHAHA)

O - Open
How secretive are they? Do they make things obvious?

He tells you everything so nonchalantly, like no matter how dark the topic is he just kinda says things

P - Princess
How do they treat you? How much of a (simp) caring person are they?

He says "step on me" unironically

Q - Quit
Would they ever give up trying to make you love them?

At first, yes, but Sarv convinced him to keep trying

R - Random
Random fact about them!

If he's mad at you he'll put you on top of his fridge or something so you have to ask him to get you down

S - Stay
Would they let you out? How often would they let you?

Nope, not without him, and not to far from the church

T - Thought
Would they feel bad? How long until they realize?


U - Unusual
Do they do anything strange? Yandere or not

He thinks your perfect, he does not care what you do it's the coolest thing on earth to him

V - Valentine
How normal are they at first? How soon do they get creepy?

It started as a simple crush, but when Sarv convinced him to keep trying to win you over is when that started being an obsession

W - What?
Do you do anything that confuses them or vise versa?

Again, you're perfect and he makes sure you know that

X - Xenial
How are they around your family/friends?

lol no, but he'll won't try to hide anything from Sarv, you three hang out a lot

Y - Yet
What would they not let you do, but eventually give in?

Going outside

Z - Zealous
How did they meet you? How did this start?

You were friends with Sarv for a little while, she invited you to visit the church and Ruv was there (a/n: he thought he was having a heart attack because his heart would beat faster around you 💗💀)

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